U.S. Spy Agencies: The War In Iraq Has Fueled Terrorism Across The Globe...

The National Intelligence Estimate, a classified report containing a consensus view of the 16 governmental spy agencies, states that the Iraq war has worsened the threat of terrorism across the globe. Washington leaders are engaging in a heated debate over Bush's failed Iraq policy and questioning the president's ability to protect the American people.
Senate minority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said, "No election-year White House P.R. campaign can hide this truth -- it is crystal clear that America's security demands we change course in Iraq." Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA) added, "Even capturing the remaining top Al Qaeda leadership isn't going to prevent copycat cells, and it isn't going to change a failed policy in Iraq. This administration is trying to change the subject. I don't think voters are going to buy that."
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