Grizzly Bears Need a Safety Net Despite not providing legally required protections, federal officials are rushing to remove the grizzly bear from the Endangered Species Act list. Tell them they need to take a "paws" and not risk the bears' unknown future. 
| A grizzly bear can't walk a tight rope without a safety net. Unfortunately, that's exactly what federal officials are proposing. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced plans to eliminate endangered species protections for the still-recovering grizzly, despite intense ongoing threats to the bear's habitat. Please contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today and urge them to postpone de-listing the grizzly as an endangered species until sufficient protections are in place to ensure their survival. The Endangered Species Act has helped grizzly bear numbers rebound in the Yellowstone Ecosystem, one of the last strongholds for grizzly bears in the lower 48 states. In fact, the grizzly population in and around Yellowstone is now increasing between four and seven percent each year. Unfortunately, the Bush Administration has done little to ensure that the grizzly's recovery continues. By weakening national forest management and eliminating roadless area protections, the White House has threatened crucial grizzly habitat and created serious doubts about the American grizzly's future. Without long-term protections, grizzly bears won't have a fighting chance. Help ensure long-term recovery for America's grizzlies. Urge the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to slow down and carefully consider the consequences of not providing long-term critical protections for the grizzly bear before delisting them. Public comments are due March 20, so please send your message today! The grizzly bear is an irreplaceable symbol of the great American West. Thank you for lending your voice to preserve this magnificent creature. Without your help, we could lose these special critters forever.
Sincerely,  |  Claudia Tejada Riley National E-Advocacy Associate Defenders of Wildlife | P.S. Forward this message to family, friends, and neighbors... |
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