You've got to see this movie—"King George's Flying Circus," a funny take on an anything but funny matter.  | Tax cuts are no laughing matter. Watch King George's Flying Circus and find out why. Play the movie. | Watch the 30-second film now.
Each year for the past six years, President Bush and the Republican Congress have voted to increase tax cuts for the rich. How are they paying for it? Watch the movie to find out.
Then, help spread the word about the horrific impact these tax cuts will have on the vital programs that help the elderly, college students and working families. Let people know they can do something about it. Forward this e-mail to five people right now. We need to educate and mobilize at least 200,000 people before Congress votes on the tax cuts next month. Watch the movie. Then e-mail it to five people you know so that we can stop the proposed tax cuts.
In solidarity,
Tracey Conaty AFSCME e-Activist Network Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.
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