Welcome! Thousands of new supporters join ImpeachBush.org
Impeachment requires groundswell of support to move forward
Dear T. Scott,
This ad just ran in the SF Chronicle: Your donation can help place this ad |
ImpeachBush.org welcomes the many thousands of people who have joined the grassroots impeachment movement this week following the placement of the full page newspaper ad in the San Francisco Chronicle.
The response to the newspaper ads in the San Francisco Chronicle and the New York Times have been amazing. If it were up to the people, Articles of Impeachment would have already been filed. The majority of Americans favor impeachment, by a 53% to 42% majority, if Bush lied about the reasons for going to war in Iraq, according to recent polls. And everyone knows that he did lie! The majority also favors impeachment if the President broke federal wiretapping laws by unleashing a massive secret spying operation on the people of this country. And he did!
But for impeachment to become a reality, it is necessary to a light a fire under the still-too-timid politicians in Congress. Senator Feingold moved to censure Bush this week for the illegal spying operation and Congressman John Conyers and 28 co-sponsors in the House have introduced House Resolution 635, which creates a special committee to investigate Bush’s impeachable offenses. These are good efforts but they require a groundswell of support over the next few months from the grassroots.
This is exactly how Nixon was forced from office in August 1974. The politicians from both parties knew full-well that Nixon was eligible for impeachment or could be forced to resign rather than face impeachment. But they were either too fearful and timid to take action, or they had been actually collaborating with Nixon. It was the outcry from below that changed the political calculus.
We are completely committed to stepping up the pressure. The politicians must feel the heat before they will act. The newspaper ads have been so effective that we want to keep placing them in newspapers around the country. Soon they will be complemented by radio spots. At the anti-war marches scheduled for this weekend, the third anniversary of the start of this illegal and catastrophic war in Iraq, ImpeachBush.org members will be holding ImpeachBush.org signs and banners and collecting thousands of signatures on the petitions.
The ImpeachBush.org movement is an exciting act of genuine grassroots democracy. All progressive and positive change in our country over the past two centuries has been the result of such grassroots movements.
If you can help place more newspaper ads and radio spots please make a donation today. By clicking here you can make a donation on-line or learn how you can send a check to help this movement continue to grow.
If you would like to send a letter to your elected officials in the House and Senate supporting House Resolution 635, which aims at investigating Bush’s impeachable offenses, you can do so by clicking here. This is an easy-to-use mechanism that ImpeachBush.org has set up that allows people to send a customized email letter to members of the House and Senate.
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In addition to the full page newspaper ads and radio spots, we have to cover major expenses for the cost of printing large quantities of posters, signs, petitions, leaflets and banners for the large impeachment contingents in the anti-war demonstrations. There will be hundreds of actions around the country this weekend.
Please make a donation to help cover these costs.
This all takes money. We can continue to succeed because of the incredible commitment and generosity of individuals who believe that impeachment is the most important method for acting in defense of the Constitution. The impeachment movement is underway and it will surely grow in the critical months ahead. For the new ImpeachBush.org members on the West Coast, two of the largest March 18 antiwar demonstrations - including large impeachment contingents - will take place in San Francisco and Los Angeles. In San Francisco, the demonstration begins at 11am at the Civic Center, and in Los Angeles, the demonstration begins at 12 noon at Hollywood and Vine.
Spring is on the way. It is a perfect time to put up an ImpeachBush.org lawn sign, wear an impeachment sweatshirt or T-shirt, wear an ImpeachBush.org baseball cap, and adorn flat surfaces with the ImpeachBush.org bumper stickers. All of these items are available at the ImpeachBush.org Resource Center which you can connect to by clicking here.
Click here for the ImpeachBush Resource Center to order your lawn sign today!
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