"Under the rule proposed by Representative Boehner, no one in the United States could communicate on this topic of public interest because of the defect in the chain of title. I do not believe the First Amendment permits this interdiction of public information either at the stage of the newspaper reading public, of the newspaper publishing communicators, or at the stage of Representative McDermott's disclosure to the news media."
Circuit Judge Sentelle
(dissenting opinion - March 28, 2006)
Dear Friends:
The bottom line is that the people have a right to know what their leaders are doing.
- When I suggested that the Bush Administration would mislead the public to take us to war, the public had a right to know of their deception.
- When Speaker Gingrich's team got caught plotting to ignore an agreement with the House Ethics Committee, I was the whistleblower - the people had a right to know.
Our Democratic minority in Congress must challenge the GOP leadership at every opportunity and never let up. You have a right to know what they are doing to us and what they are doing to our country.
Sometimes they get caught, and yes, it is embarrassing to them. Sometimes they are forced out of office; Newt Gingrich resigned. Duke Cunningham went to prison. Abramoff was sentenced today and he is singing like a bird! We'll see what happens to Tom DeLay.
Gingrich's "enforcer" (Boehner) has spent eight years attempting to get even with an expensive, vengeful lawsuit.
And, quite frankly, partisan revenge is one thing that the GOP is pretty good at.
The New York Times called Rep. Boehner's lawsuit "a vindictive, political move . . . that threatens to trample on free speech." NYT's March 11, 1998
The lawsuit has been very expensive. Unless I am able to take this matter to the Supreme Court, the ticket will be due in short order. My campaign fund may be found at: http://www.McDermottforCongress.com. After they are through with me the GOP leadership will find another Democrat who dares challenge them.
But, there are more of us than there are of them. This fall we'll have a chance to throw some of them out of office and maybe take control of Congress. We also have a chance once in a while to show our strength in numbers.
I hope that will be the case today as I ask all of you to support me. My real hope is that large numbers of people will respond to this emergency appeal for help.
I urgently need your help as I continue to challenge the vindictive GOP leadership.
Jim McDermott
P.S. More information about Boehner v. McDermott may be found at http://www.McDermottforCongress.com.
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