Dr. Mudawi with President Bush | Recently, we went directly to President Bush with our proposal for ending the ongoing violence in Darfur. We brought a leading Sudanese human rights advocate, Dr. Mudawi Ibrahim Adam, to the U.S. for high-level meetings – including at the White House to make the case for increased diplomatic intervention in Darfur. That's Dr. Mudawi with the President in the photo at right. You can help us build on this call for action – by signing our petition. Will you give voice to those who have been murdered, raped and displaced? With your help, we are hoping to get 200,000 caring people to sign our petition and "stand in" for victims of the mass atrocities in Darfur. Please pass this on to your friends and family, too. Click here to be one of the 200,000 by signing today. The petition calls for a high-level envoy, appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, to re-energize the peace process. That means, in particular, bringing all of the stakeholders in Darfur to the negotiating table – something that is not happening right now. Will you help us? Right now, you can do two simple things to make a big difference: 1. Sign our petition and watch the short and powerful movie we made. 2. Send our petition and movie to everyone you know. The moment is now. Bush Administration officials told us that they are formulating next steps on Darfur right now. We need to show how many people care about strengthening the peace process and ending the slaughter – click here to be one of the voices. After you sign the petition, please forward our movie to everyone you know – now's the time to make sure we can help bring peace to Darfur. Sincerely, Jill Savitt Campaign Director Human Rights First
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