Monday, December 29, 2008

AlterNet's Top 10 Hottest Videos of 2008

By AlterNet Staff, AlterNet. Posted December 29, 2008.

Rove almost getting arrested, people giving Bush a piece of their mind, and police brutality in St. Paul are just a few that got people talking.

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The most popular AlterNet videos of the year are an eclectic bunch. They feature comedians taking on Fox News while on Fox News, as well as comparing George W. Bush's presidency to "Battlefield Earth." There is the incredible documentary footage of police brutality in St. Paul, Minn., as well as other pieces that focused on the lighter side of Election '08. There's footage of Karle Rove almost getting arrested, and an anchorman with the courage to call Bush what he really is. Whether serious or satirical, these are the 10 videos that sparked the most interest on AlterNet this year.

1. Why I Called Fox News "Propaganda" While Live on Fox News

I ripped into Fox News while on a Fox News morning show last week. I thought I'd answer a bunch of questions people had about the incident.

2. "Saturday Night Live's" Version of Hillary vs. Obama

Obama is asked by fawning press, "Are you comfortable?" Meanwhile, Hillary insists she had always planned on getting blown out in 10 straight states.

3. Comedian Patton Oswalt: "The Bush Presidency Is Kind of Like the Movie Battlefield Earth"

"... When it first comes out, it sucks, and then in 20 years people say, 'Did I say that sucked? I meant it sucked donkeys..'"

4. Incredible Documentary Footage of Mass Arrest in St. Paul

Newly released footage, which was buried to avoid confiscation, shows riot cops arresting and abusing a giant group of people for nothing.

5. The Man Behind Proposition 8

The reclusive billionaire, the mother of Blackwater's Erik Prince, and the drive to fund this year's most controversial referendum.

6. Young Hillary Clinton

Is this the first time Hillary Clinton has refused to drop out of a race?

7. Was Montel Williams Kicked Off the Air for Criticizing Fox News?

Montel's 17-year-old show was canceled three days after he took Fox to task for overlooking troop casualties in Iraq. Coincidence? I think not.

8. A List of McCain's Nastiest Moments

Think there's no way that John's actually that bad? You haven't seen this list.

9. Jon Stewart Thrashes Rove, O'Reilly For Palin Hypocrisy

How do you spell "double standard?"

10. Olbermann's Special Comment on FISA: President Bush Is a Liar and a Fascist

That the president was willing to veto this eavesdropping, means there is no threat to the legitimate counterterror efforts under way.


See more stories tagged with: bush, 2008, rove, video, clinton, obama, fox news, mccain, jon stewart, top ten, saturday night live, proposition 8, st. paul, palin, palin, patton oswalt, battlefield earth, mass arrest, young hillary clinton, montel williams

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