Sunday, October 21, 2007

Music with a point:

October 19, 2007 at 17:46:07

Music with a point: "If you want to be a voter (The Ballad of Sarasota)"

by Paddy Shaffer Page 1 of 4 page(s)

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This is Music - about voting... it is beautiful. This was sent to me by Lori Roslolwsky, and is by her. The first website is about her and what she is working on.
the second site takes you directly into "If You Want to Be a Voter (The Ballad of Sarasota)"
I have been told that an effort is now underway to get major musicians going on the idea of election songs. To each of you that can further that. GO, GO, GO.
Don't assume someone else will get it done, if you have the connections, make it happen. If we had 2 or 5 or 10 election songs come out by major musicians that get play time on the prime time air waves... it would be really powerful.
Thanks Lori for sharing this with me, I hope you'll join The Ohio Election Justice Campaign. Lori thanks for granting us permission to use your music in Ohio. We will be. Lori is with Voice of the Voters.
VIDEO and the Funeral Procession... for The Death of Democracy, Remembering November 2, 2004. I just spoke to our wonderful Jeff Kirkby. He is planning to come to Columbus with a his sound technician for the Eulogy and Funeral Procession. Jeff plans to do a live webcast for the Eulogy and as we march and visit the Ohio Attorney General, Ohio Secretary of State, and the Franklin County Board of Elections. Thank You Jeff! For those of you across the rest of the country... you can watch and be with us in that way.
Bruce is also supposed to video the procession. Hope you can make it Bruce.
Later in the day, he must return to Cleveland. We are still looking for filmmakers for the 5:00 Memorial Church Service, and the Funeral Wake at 7:00 p.m. If anyone has the equipment and is available, let me know.
Paddy Shaffer
Founder, The Ohio Election Justice Campaign
(614) 761-0621

“Where does it say that machines should have the right to take our vote away?” -- from the song “If You Want to Be a Voter”


When 18,000 votes (15% of total!) go missing because of faulty or corrupted computer touch screen machines (known as DREs), then you know:


(That’s what happened in Sarasota, Florida in 2006.)

When the judge in the case says corporate trade secrets outweigh our constitutional right to have proof that our vote counts, then you know:


When lives are lost in Iraq, ripping apart their nation and ours, while here at home, our votes are lost to secret computer bytes, ripping apart our democracy, then you know:


That’s what this song is about!

“If You Want to Be a Voter” by Lori Rosolowsky chronicles the insidious demise of democracy in America, but it’s also a

battle cry to take back our country:

“We have the right to see our vote, have proof it really counts.

Raise your voices and demand DRE machines be banned.”

Be part of the solution! Listen to weekly radio/internet show

“Voice of the Voters” (each Wed 8 pm EST or archived) at or

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Paddy Shaffer, Founder of the Ohio Election Justice Campaign, was the campaign manager for Bob Fitrakis's run for governor in Ohio in 2006.

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