Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Many-Dimensional Look at America

October 19, 2007 at 11:41:47

A Many-Dimensional Look at America

by Andrew Bard Schmookler Page 1 of 1 page(s)

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I would like to commend to your attention --strongly-- a radio conversation that can be heard on-line, or downloaded as a pod-cast. In this conversation, I am interviewed by Craig Barnes, who is a widely respected, political commentator, lawyer, playwright, and other things, from Santa Fe. Craig puts me through my paces quite well, sharing his own thoughts as well as eliciting mine, and the resulting 40-minute conversation provides a multi-dimensional portrait of the condition of America today.

The interview --which, again, can be heard on-line or downloaded-- appears on the website of "A Nation Deceived" at

It goes into the politics, but also more than the politics-- the moral culture, the works of the imagination, the spirit(s) of our times. It talks about where we are today, and it explores where the American system might be heading. At bottom, it suggests a way of understanding the complex organic nature of human societies, and the interplay of forces in guiding how their destiny unfolds through time.

For any people who are in reach of Santa Fe, New Mexico, Craig Barnes and I will be discussing "What Would It Take to Heal America from the Damage that has been Done?" at St. John's Methodist Church in Santa Fe on Thursday, November 1, from 10 AM until noon. The event --which will be, I believe, the fifth time Mr. Barnes and I have been brought together to discuss the present crisis in America-- is sponsored by the Renesan Institute for Lifelong Learning.

Andrew Bard Schmookler's website is devoted to understanding the roots of America's present moral crisis and the means by which the urgent challenge of this dangerous moment can be met. Dr. Schmookler is also the author of such books as The Parable of the Tribes: The Problem of Power in Social Evolution (SUNY Press) and Debating the Good Society: A Quest to Bridge America's Moral Divide (M.I.T. Press). He also conducts regular talk-radio conversations in both red and blue states.

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