Saturday, October 20, 2007

Hillary -- A Bush in Sheep's Clothing

by Alex Wallenwein Page 1 of 2 page(s)

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Quote: “In an interview for the new book “The Evangelical President,” White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten said Bush has “been urging candidates: ‘Don’t get yourself too locked in where you stand right now. If you end up sitting where I sit, things could change dramatically.’ ”

He was talking about the Democratic presidential candidates’ seemingly anti-Iraq war rhetoric.

Hillary and Obama are apparently taking heed. (Watch this!!)

Further Quote: “So far, Bush has been encouraged by the fact that Democratic candidates are preserving enough wiggle room in their anti-war rhetoric to enable them to keep at least some troops in Iraq. If you listen carefully, there are Democrats that say, ‘Well, there needs to be some kind of presence,’ Bush said. ” (Id.)

The question for peace-loving Democrats now is this:

Do you want Bush’s policies continued unabated, with only a more liberal-sounding rhetoric under a presidency that is Democrat in name only, just as Bush’s presidency was Republican in name, only?

In the coming presidential election, if you want true and lasting peace, any establishment candidate is out of the question for you.. The establishment - left as well as right - abhors peace. It abhors giving up power. The establishment on each side is very adept at using rhetoric that pleases the ears of its respective constituents while doing the exact opposite of what people elect them for.

A vote for Hillary (or Obama, or Edwards) is a vote for the continuation of Bush-Cheney, ad nauseam!

It is a vote for Guantanamo Bay. A vote for spying on citizens. A vote for torture (under a different name, but still torture). A vote for never-ending military occupation of the middle east and other parts of the world. A vote for lying politicians, and for an end to free speech and free association and the freedom of religion - all in the name of ‘national security.’

You know that all politicians lie. You know that, after you have helped them into office, all of them do what they want, regardless of why you voted for them. Remember Bill Clinton’s environmental record? Remember him claiming credit for welfare reform? Remember his attack on Serbia?

There is only one man with a record of no back-tracking, no flip-flopping, no self-serving, and no side-winding, that extends back over thirty years.

You may not agree with him on some of his policy proposals, but the fact remains that under him as president, you will have a greater chance of pushing your own favorite agenda than you will have under any other current candidate.

He will make the presidency weaker - so Congress can regain the power the Constitution accords it.

He will make the federal government weaker - so states can decide if they want abortion, gay marriage, or mandatory health care.

By vetoing all unconstitutional measures that come before him, he will defeat Washington’s power lobbies - for what lobbyist will spend hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars if he knows he will never get what he wants, no matter which politician he buys with his money?

Therefore, money will no longer buy political influence.

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Alex Wallenwein, J.D., is a former attorney in Houston, Texas, and a grass-roots activist for the rule of law and American liberty. He organizes the Houston 4 Ron Paul 2008 Meetup.

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