Friday, June 29, 2007

Liberalism is So Hot Right Now

Liberalism is So Hot Right Now

Posted by Guest Blogger at 5:49 AM on June 28, 2007.

Jill Filipovic: From the subpoena of Cheney's office to a new poll showing progressive values widely embraced by young people, there's a lot to be excited about right now if you're a liberal.
Just one of many reasons to be in a good mood right now.

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Get PEEK in your

This post, written by Jill Filipovic, originally appeared on Feministe

After all the depressing stories yesterday, I bring you good news:

-Young Americans are leaning left. Forty-four percent support marriage equality. Twenty-eight percent describe themselves as liberal. Sixty-two percent support a government-sponsored healthcare program. Seventy-five percent of them are generally pro-choice, even though about half of that 75 percent favor greater restrictions.

By a 52 to 36 majority, young Americans say that Democrats, rather than Republicans, come closer to sharing their moral values, while 58 percent said they had a favorable view of the Democratic Party, and 38 percent said they had a favorable view of Republicans.

We're also optimistic, even about the Iraq quagmire. I think that's a good thing, provided that optimism helps to positively influence reality.

-High school seniors who were honored by President Bush for their academic accomplishments handed him a letter urging him to end torture. Awesome. Thanks to Elizabeth for the link.

-Feminist artists have created The Feminist Art Project, and it looks pretty awesome. Their work will be all over the country -- see if there's an event near you. Thanks to Roy for the link.

-Cheney's office and the White House have been subpoenaed. Yeehaw! Thanks to Louise for the link.

-And there's a new Die Hard movie coming out. Sweet.

You all have sufficiently cheered me up. Gracias.


Tagged as: cheney, youth vote, youth

Jill Filipovic is a New York-based freelance writer and a law student at NYU. More of her writing is available online at her blog, Feministe.

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