Friday, May 04, 2007

You Put Impeachment ON The Table!

April 28's I-M-P-E-A-C-H day was a huge success!

We all had a great time. We got lots of press coverage. And we put impeachment squarely on the table in Congress.

Your efforts helped persuade Rep. Lacy Clay (D-MO) and Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) to sign onto Rep. Dennis Kucinich's H.Res. 333 to impeach Vice President Cheney, which he introduced on April 24th. Schakowsky is a member of the House leadership and a close associate of Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

In addition, your efforts persuaded Rep. John Murtha (D-PA), a key House Democratic leader, to raise the possibility of impeaching Bush on Sunday's Face the Nation and on NPR's All Things Considered, where he said impeachment is "on the table."

Many of you have asked what you can do next to impeach Bush and Cheney.

Our next goal is to persuade a majority of Congress - 218 Members - to co-sponsor Kucinich's H.Res. 333. Here's what you can do:

1. Sign our petitions to your Representative
and to every Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, which must be persuaded to hold hearings on H.Res. 333

2. Honk to Impeach
Every week, get a group of activists to gather with signs reading:
"Honk to Impeach / Bush and Cheney"
"Call Rep. X / 123-457-7890"

Choose a busy intersection, preferably in front of your Congress Member's local office, or in front of a your local TV, radio, or newspaper office. We recommend Wednesdays from 4-6 p.m. during rush hour, but your group should decide what works best. You'll be amazed by the positive response you get!

Also bring copies of our petition:

You can collect signatures from pedestrians, drivers after they park, shoppers and workers entering businesses, or drivers at long red lights in safe intersections.

3. Organize a Norman Rockwell-style Town Meeting

You've seen the famous painting by Norman Rockwell; Town Meetings are as American as apple pie.

So why not organize one on impeachment, and invite your Member of Congress to join you?

A small group can rent a public library or a public school auditorium for a small sum, and spread the word with flyers in busy spots and by emailing your neighbors and friends. Call your local media and invite them too.

Put a table by the door and bring copies of our impeachment petition:

Set a simple rule, like giving everyone 2 minutes to speak. Alternate men and women, young and old.

Use the occasion to organize energetic activists, including for weekly "Honk to Impeach" events.


MoveOn Is Polling on Impeachment

Until recently, Moveon said its members did not support impeachment. Are you a Moveon member? Then let them know what you think:


This play is a new resource for local events. We highly recommend performing or reading it, and then discussing and organizing for impeachment.

Based on the novel by Sinclair Lewis
by Lee Roscoe (c.) 2005
Time: 1930s
Place: Fort Beulah, a small Vermont town, and Washington D.C.


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