Saturday, May 12, 2007



CHRIS BRUNNER - The Alabama Department of Homeland Security, established
in June of 2003, has recently constructed a website that defines
domestic terrorists as those who oppose gun control and a strong federal
government. Under the heading "Anti-Government Groups", the site
displays a flag that is widely considered one of the first symbols of
American patriotism and reads, "In general, these terrorists claim that
the U.S. government is infringing on their individual rights, and/or
that the government's policies are criminal and immoral. Such groups may
hold that the current government is violating the basic principles laid
out by the U.S. Constitution. . . "

While anarchism is defined by a lack state control and communism is a
maximization state control, two polar opposite concepts, the page that
follows reads, "Anarchists groups are the 21st Century's version of left
wing or communist groups of the last. Anarchists believe that any
government or organization that has power over others. . . will
eventually become corrupt and abusive."

If I'm not mistaken, the idea that government, if not kept in check,
will become corrupt and abusive was first made popular in this country
by our founding fathers, not a bunch of terrorist anarchist groups.
This was the very reason for the implementation of the United States
Constitution. In fact even Section 35 of the Alabama Constitution warns
of this danger is it declares, "the sole object and only legitimate end
of government is to protect the citizen in the enjoyment of life,
liberty, and property, and when the government assumes other functions
it is usurpation and oppression."

The site continues, "Most of these groups operate around larger urban
areas and colleges/universities. . . Some are focused on issues such as
World Trade, International Debt, and military involvement in foreign
cultures. . . The theme is always the same. Big [government] is bad.
Rich are using the poor to stay rich. Our government in particular is
using its power immorally."

In short, if you oppose gun control, taxes, military intervention, most
of our national debt being held by foreign nations, or just a large
federal government, you might be a terrorist.

The very idea that those who value their personal rights and liberties
are being labeled terrorists by the State of Alabama is not only absurd
and egregiously offensive, it completely contradicts the ideals our
federal and state governments were founded on! The people of Alabama
should be outraged!

These pages can be reached by visiting the Alabama Homeland
Security TAP Course, clicking on "Domestic Terrorists", and then on
"Anti-Government Groups".


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