Thursday, March 20, 2008

My Comments

First, I would like to apologize to the many loyal readers of this blog for my not keeping up to date on the world around us............Life has a funny way of limiting the time that I have to dedicate to this blog.............Thank you for your patience............

Two big events have happened here in the last couple of days.............

1. The 5th anniversary of the war in Iraq............when will this madness end!!!!!!!!!

2. The speech that Barak Obama delivered............I have not been so moved by a "political" speech in many many years.............I have posted several articles on this speech........In spite of all the other "stuff" that I have reservations on concerning Obama and his stance on certain issues, this speech has won me over.........If you have not heard or read this speech please take the time to do one of the morning DJ's said yesterday "This is Obama's "I have a Dream" speech"..........I would have to concur with that correlation..............

I will try and get caught up this weekend and get back on track............once again thank you for your patience............PEACE...........Scott

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