Monday, March 24, 2008

Fox News Chaos: Anchor Walks Off Set, Wallace Rails Network for "Obama-Bashing" [VIDEO]

Posted by Adam Howard, AlterNet at 10:43 AM on March 21, 2008.

Fox News' very own anchors are speaking out -- and walking off -- over what they perceive to be "Obama-bashing" on their network.
Mayhem At Fox News: Anchor Walks Off Set, Wallace Rails Network For

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Get Election 2008 in your

Fox News' very own anchors are speaking out -- and walking off -- over what they perceive to be "Obama-bashing" on their network.

This morning on "Fox and Friends," Brian Kilmeade walked off the set after a dispute with his co-hosts Gretchen Carlson (she who celebrates deadly floods) and Steve Doocy over Obama's comment that his grandmother is a "typical white person." Kilmeade argued that the remark needed to be taken in context and eventually got so fed up with his co-hosts that he walked off set.

Later, "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace came on the show and railed against "Fox and Friends" for what he called "Obama-bashing."

h/t The Huffington Post


Tagged as: media bias, right wing media, race, racism, carlson, kilmeade, doocy, wallace, fox news, obama

Adam Howard is the editor of PEEK.

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