Saturday, August 25, 2007

AT&T iPhone Bills to Kill Planet Earth

Posted by Jonathan Schlaffer at 11:58 AM on August 16, 2007.

Jonathan Schlaffer: Bills that come in boxes, what's next, quality products out of China?
iPhone Bill in a Box

This post, written by Jonathan Schlaffer, originally appeared on TECH.Blorge

The first iPhone bills are arriving to owners of the new device and none of the bills are tame, not by a long shot. I'm not talking about actual charges but the length of the bills themselves that have very little descriptive information on them.

USA Today is reporting on one bill that was 300 pages long in the form of double sided 150 sheets of paper that arrived in a US Mail cardboard box. A bill that has to be sent in a box? Is that a joke? Sadly, it's no joke.

It seems every iPhone bill is excruciatingly long with very little detail on them. Every data transmission, sent or received whether on WiFi or on AT&T's network is recorded but no actual information about the usage is except dates and times, with a charge of $0.00 if you are within your usage limits. So, you get a bill that tells you that you aren't being charged because you're still within your limits. Okay?

However, you're in for a world of hurt if you do the whole roaming on international roaming thing, AT&T doesn't like that and you'll get charged an arm, a leg and might have to sell an internal organ or two to make the payment.

There's even a video (shown to your right) of said bill being opened.

This goes beyond absurdity, I don't any SmartPhone owners who get ridiculously long bills like that, AT&T needs to do something about this before all the rainforests are torn down just so they can inform iPhone owners that they aren't being charged for a majority of their usage.

Bills that come in boxes, what's next, quality products out of China?


Tagged as: iphone, technology, at&t

Jonathan Schlaffer, editor, currently possesses an Associate of Science Degree in Computer Science from Hartford Community College and currently reside on the outskirts of Baltimore, Maryland.

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