Sunday, July 02, 2006

Stop the Silent Assault on Workers' Rights


Give Workers a Voice

Take Action Now!

Behind closed doors at a little-known government agency, five individuals appointed by President Bush will decide the fate of millions of America’s workers.

This is no conspiracy theory. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is poised to issue decisions in three groundbreaking cases that could strip millions of workers of their right to have a union at work—all without holding public hearings.

These workers—nurses, quality control inspectors, sales representatives, and many others—should get a chance to speak about a decision that directly impacts their lives and their freedoms. But the NLRB is ignoring past precedent and refuses to hold public hearings!

Give these workers a voice—ask Congress to demand the NLRB hold hearings on these important cases.

In these three cases, the NLRB will decide whether to reclassify certain types of workers as supervisors. But instead of benefiting employees, the reclassification would solely benefit employers. The ‘title change’ to supervisor doesn’t come with a raise or a promotion, just the automatic loss of the right to form a union!

Such a decision could not only deny millions of workers the opportunity to form a union in the future, but longtime union members could suddenly lose representation when their contracts run out. And revoking the right of these individuals to have a union means the loss of a number of rights and protections on the job. With a decision so important to anti-union employers, is it any wonder the Bush NLRB is trying to act in secret?

The stakes are just too high! The NLRB shouldn’t be allowed to hide from the public—tell Congress to call for hearings on these decisions.

The threat to workers is real: In the past few years, the Bush NLRB has already stripped graduate research assistants and disabled employees of their right to form unions. And in 2004, the Department of Labor reclassified broad swaths of workers, denying them the ability to receive overtime pay.

We can’t let them get away with this kind of offense again.

Contact your representatives in Congress and ask them to urge the NLRB to allow for hearings on these crucial cases:

Thank you for giving a voice to these workers.

Liz Cattaneo,
American Rights at Work

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