Sunday, February 24, 2008

Does Wearing High Heels Improve a Woman's Sex Life?

Posted by Tana Ganeva, AlterNet at 3:24 PM on February 21, 2008.

"I can't wait for the study that finds that pizza and cheap beer, when ingested together, metabolize into vitamin C."

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A study by scientists at the University of Verona found that wearing high heels tones muscles and may even improve a woman's sex life. Urologist Maria Cerruto monitored electrical activity in the pelvises of female test subjects and found that high heels strengthen pelvic muscles, increasing their ability to contract during sex.

It's pretty great when "science" tells me that something that requires minimal effort and that I already do is healthy. I can't wait for the study that finds that pizza and cheap beer, when ingested together, metabolize into vitamin C.

However, the problem with studies like these is that they generate a lot of poorly researched media hype. No doubt, there are probably a thousand other studies out there that unequivocally "prove" that wearing high heels strains your musculature, grinds your bones into dust, and permanently numbs your genitals.

But those won't be as widely disseminated in the media because they don't have to do with sex, or conjure up the creepy yet vaguely salacious image of female test subjects clomping around in high heels with wires rigged to their pelvises.


Tagged as: high heel shoes, sex, women

Tana Ganeva is an Assistant Editor at AlterNet.

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