Sunday, July 01, 2007

UPDATE: Get Your IMPEACH Cheney Cap, Now 11 House Co-Sponsors and More


As votes in the impeachment poll sail past 80,000, and as National
Cheney Impeachment Summer starts to heat up, wouldn't it be neat to
have your very own snappy "IMPEACH CHENEY?" cap, so that everyone you
meet asks themselves (and you), "Should Vice President Cheney Be
Impeached?" In a moment we'll tell you how to get one with no
donation required (unless you want to make one).

But first, has there been any more courageous leader on the
impeachment issue than Dennis Kucinich, who stepped forward when
nobody else would even raise their hand, and who has inspired three
more members of the House to sign on as co-sponsors of H.Res. 333
(for a total now of 11) just this last week? Since today just happens
to be the last day of the fund raising quarter wouldn't this be a
GREAT time for you to thank him for standing so strong on this issue?


OK, now . . . what we're doing is first thing Monday, July 2nd, we
are placing an order for as many "IMPEACH CHENEY?" caps as you will
wear. There is no donation required unless you want to help with the
production costs, so that we can get one to every dedicated activist
who wants one. All we ask is that you have voted in the National
Cheney Impeachment Poll yourself (which if you are the original
recipient of this alert you HAVE done), and that you promise you will
help to encourage more people to speak out in the poll. Submit this
form to get your very own custom embroidered cap.


If you CAN make a donation when you order your cap it will ALSO help
us to keep running ads in at least a dozen of the most heavily
visited progressive blogs, like Daily Kos, Crooks and Liars, Talking
Points Memo, Democratic Underground and so many more, to continue to
publicize the progress of the poll. But even if you can't make a
donation just go ahead and submit the form anyway and we will send
you one for NO CHARGE, not even shipping.

These caps are sure to be treasured collector's items in the future,
that will demonstrate you were one of the valiant activists in the
SUCCESSFUL movement to impeach Dick Cheney in 2007. What a perfect
thing for you to wear when you are out collecting more votes for the


The best thing about the new "IMPEACH CHENEY?" caps is they are
perfect conversation starters. People will respond to the question on
the front, and ask YOU why Cheney should be impeached. And you will
tell them, won't you? Then you can ask them to cast a vote on one of
the vote gathering sheets we have created especially for the National
Cheney Impeachment Poll. So if you can't wait to get started, or if
you need to print out more sheets for your own canvassing, go to this


And if there were not enough reasons already to impeach Cheney, more
and more keep piling up like dead fish, literally. We now learn that
Cheney was the primary villain in wiping out the Coho salmon run, by
diverting water to buy the support of a couple rich ranchers in
Oregon to swing a race in the Senate there. For your debating
illumination, one of our own participants, Professor of Law Emeritus
Leonard R. Jaffee, has produced an extensive analysis of grounds for
Cheney impeachment which you can read for yourself at


In the third section of this piece Professor Jaffee goes through each
and every ground for impeachment of Dick Cheney we can already prove,
including the latest scandals, so that you can be better prepared to
respond to any questions someone might throw at you. We would not
worry too much though, because of ALL votes in the National Cheney
Impeachment Polls so far, 99.19 percent have been Yes to impeach. All
we have to do is get everyone to speak out who has an opinion, and
Congress will change gears even faster than they did on the
immigration bill this week, which proves, if nothing else, that if we
the people speak out in sufficient numbers, they absolutely WILL act.

Help to build those numbers every way you can.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

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