Thursday, July 12, 2007

July 12:

1984 : Ferraro named vice presidential candidate

Walter Mondale, the leading Democratic presidential candidate,
announces that he has chosen Representative Geraldine Ferraro of New
York as his running mate. Ferraro, a daughter of Italian immigrants,
had previously gained notoriety as a vocal advocate of women's rights
in Congress.

Four days after Ferraro was named vice presidential candidate,
Governor Mario Cuomo of New York opened the Democratic National
Convention in San Francisco with an impassioned retort to Republican
President Ronald Reagan's contention that the United States was a
"shining city on a hill." Citing widespread poverty and racial strife,
Cuomo derided President Reagan as oblivious to the needs and problems
of many of America's citizens. His enthusiastic keynote address
inaugurated a convention that saw Ferraro become the first woman
nominated by a major party for the vice presidency. However, Mondale,
the former U.S. vice president under Jimmy Carter, proved a lackluster
choice for the Democratic presidential nominee.

On November 6, President Reagan and Vice President George Bush
defeated the Mondale-Ferraro ticket in the greatest Republican
landslide in U.S. history. The Republicans carried every state but
Minnesota--Mondale's home state.

Ferraro left Congress in 1985. In 1992 and 1998, she made unsuccessful
bids for a U.S. Senate seat. During President Bill Clinton's
administration, she was a permanent member on the United Nations
Commission on Human Rights.

1862 : Medal of Honor created

1957 : A new Aga Khan


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