Sunday, September 21, 2008

Three Years After Katrina, Bush's FEMA Still Sucks

Posted by Blue Texan, Firedoglake at 3:33 AM on September 16, 2008.

Good to see that W. has learned the lessons of Katrina.

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Get PEEK in your

Good to see that George W. Bush has learned the lessons of Katrina.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency came under fire Sunday as emergency workers were left undernourished and dozens of trucks of water and food had yet to be set up at distribution centers around Houston and surrounding communities.

But somehow that "personal responsibility" thing never seems to apply to Republicans.

Earlier in the day, a FEMA spokesman said delays in setting up staging points to hand out needed provisions had been caused by blocked roads.

By the evening, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said it was the fault of state officials who handed his department the "unexpected challenge" of having to prepare distribution points in addition to delivering supplies.

The important thing to remember with BushCo is -- it's always someone else's fault.


Tagged as: bush, katrina, ike, fema

Blue Texan is a regular contributing blogger for FireDogLake.

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