
The Daily Brief
The Day the Momentum Changed

and what he needs to do in the debates is precisely what
he has not done thus far in that format, and what no Democrat
other than Bill Clinton has done effectively in decades:
to connect with voters in a way that makes them feel like they
know and share his values, feel confident that he will keep
them and their families safe, and will do right by people like
them. Click here to read more.
Jared Bernstein: Watching History Unfold
You hear that implosion reverberating through financialmarkets? It's the sound of decades of conservative
ideology collapsing. Last week revealed the myth of
market fundamentalism.
Robert L. Borosage: Financial Crisis:
Time for a Citizens' Plan?
These demands will be met with howls of outrage,a renting of pinstripes. It will require a Congress, l
athered with Wall Street contributions, to insist on
a deal that makes sense.
Hale "Bonddad" Stewart:
The Death of Republican Philosophy
Simply put, this week has demonstrated a key point --when the going gets tough, the Republicans
become socialists.
Sen. Bernie Sanders: The Middle Class
Must Not Be Forced to Bail Out
Wall Street Greed
This proposal is an unacceptable attempt to forcemiddle income families to pick up the cost of fixing
the horrendous economic mess that is the product
of the Bush administration's deregulatory fever and
Wall Street's insatiable greed.
Leonce Gaiter: Every Man For Himself,
Said The Elephant Among The Chickens
Andrew Sullivan says he believes in "personal responsibility."But like most conservatives, he only believes in it for proles.
Money buys morality in today's America--just like it buys administrations.
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