Monday, September 08, 2008

My Big Debut

Last fall, when I was asked to be the editor of AlterNet's book, WATER CONSCIOUSNESS, I had no idea what I was signing up for. But it has turned out to be the ride of a lifetime. In just nine months, we went from a scribbled mess of brainstorming notes to a book that is beautiful, pertinent, and politically relevant.

Help AlterNet stop this senseless war

For the last two years, I've been writing and editing AlterNet stories about water. I've gotten to read about and talk to some of the world's leading experts in the field -- individuals with intimate knowledge about why we are facing water scarcity, even here in the U.S., and what we can do about it. And when the chance came to publish WATER CONSCIOUSNESS, it was these same people who eagerly answered my call -- Bill McKibben, Vandana Shiva, Maude Barlow, Tony Clarke, Alan Snitow, Deborah Kaufman, Wenonah Hauter -- and more.

Click here to purchase your copy of the WATER book that features 16 compelling essays and dozens of stunning photographs.

Working with this group was an amazing experience. They've seen the horrors of the water crisis in the developing world, watched the first revolts against water privatization in Latin American, and as the reservoirs and water tables drain ever lower, they continue to sound the call of alarm in the U.S. and beyond.

Next we joined forces with the fantastic design team at Watershed Media and created a book that we think truly embodies the water challenges we face -- and the solutions we need. With 16 hard-hitting essays, tons of beautiful photographs and stunning graphics, WATER CONSCIOUSNESS lets you momentarily hold this crisis in your hand and then gives you the tools you need to do something about it. Click here to purchase your copy of the WATER book.

When you work really closely on an issue, you may think you know all there is to know about it. But putting this book together was a learning experience for me. And I know it has already been a learning experience for those who are reading it. One person (OK, it was my mom) told me she was already making changes in the way she used water ... and that was only after reading the introduction.

I'd love for this book to be one of those "must reads" you hear about. And not because I'm hoping Hollywood will come knocking for the movie rights -- but because this is a book we need right now. Water is what keeps life going on this planet, and we are in great danger of screwing that up big time if we don't start making changes immediately.

I hope you'll take part in a great change of consciousness and help protect our most critical resource. Buy your copy of WATER CONSCIOUSNESS and join our movement for change.

Thanks for all that you do,

tara lohan's signature

Tara Lohan
Environmental & Water Editor, AlterNet


Tree House Treats said...

okay, I just wrote to you via Alternet about this obviously awesome book. I guess I should buy a copy to be there for me when I get home anyway but then at leat you can tell me what your mom changed just from reading the intro!!

PS I already know that using drinking water to flush is insane so I did make this flowgram on eco-toilets

Tree House Treats said...

PS I hope you will come to Coyote Hills Regional Park with a pile of Water Consciousness books to sell when the 1000 Hummingbird ceremony for Water happens up there in the Spring 2009 ~ Make contact!! -