Wednesday, April 02, 2008

New campaign unveiled

Yesterday we unveiled the We campaign, which will ultimately be the largest mobilization campaign ever on global warming. Please be sure to check out our new website, and great video clip:

I hope you will share this video with your friends and get them excited about the We Campaign.

You can also watch Al Gore talk about the campaign in this clip from the CBS show 60 Minutes:

The Washington Post ran a great article talking about the campaign's launch. Here is an excerpt:

"In an effort to broaden the campaign's appeal, the alliance has already forged working partnerships with groups including the Girl Scouts and the United Steelworkers of America. One of its early ads will feature the unlikely alliance of clergymen Pat Robertson and Al Sharpton sitting on a couch on Virginia Beach, talking about their commitment to address climate change."

You can read the entire article and forward it to a friend here:

Please ask your friends to join our effort by clicking here:


Cathy Zoi
CEO, Alliance for Climate Protection

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