Sunday, April 27, 2008

Christian Theocrats Use Their Megaphone to Push 'Ten Commandments Commission'

By Bill Berkowitz, Media Transparency. Posted April 23, 2008.

For the past two years, Congress has designated the first weekend in May as "Ten Commandments Weekend." Wonder why?

Did you know that for the past two years, Congress has designated the first weekend in May as "Ten Commandments Weekend (TCW)?" Most of us pay little attention to congressional resolutions. All sorts of resolutions are proposed; some pass, others are tabled, and still others are withdrawn.

These days, two resolutions relating to the Ten Commandments are being considered by Congress; one will again designate the first weekend in May as "Ten Commandments Weekend," while the other aims to celebrate the Ten Commandments Commission (TCC), an organization led by a former veteran of the Israeli Armed Forces, and made up of a host longtime conservative evangelical Christian leaders.

For months, Chris Rodda, a Senior Research Director for the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF -- website), has been following developments surrounding the two Ten Commandments resolutions -- Senate Resolution 483 and House Resolution 598.

The Senate Resolution, introduced by Kansas Republican Senator Sam Brownback -- with Connecticut Independent Joseph Lieberman as its co-sponsor -- aims to once again recognize the first weekend in May as "Ten Commandments Weekend."

According to Rodda, the author of "Liars For Jesus: The Religious Right's Alternate Version of American History -- Volume I," Brownback's resolution comes packed with 10 Whereas' starting of with: "Whereas the Ten Commandments are precepts foundational to the faith of millions of Americans," "Whereas the Ten Commandments are a declaration of fundamental principles for a fair and just society," and "Whereas, from the founding of the United States, the Ten Commandments have been part of America's basic cultural fabric," followed by quotes from Presidents George Washington, John Quincy Adams, and Harry Truman.

The resolution states that the Senate:

  • (1) recognizes the first weekend of May 2008 as 'Ten Commandments Weekend';

  • (2) celebrates the Ten Commandments as a significant aspect of the national life of the United States; and

  • (3) encourages citizens of the United States to reflect on the integral role that the Ten Commandments have played in the life of the Nation.

In a post at Talk2Action, Rodda, pointed out that H. Res. 598, titled "Supporting the goals of the Ten Commandments Commission and congratulating such Commission and its supporters for their key role in promoting and ensuring recognition of the Ten Commandments as the cornerstone of Western law," was introduced in the House by Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) last August, and has been referred to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

Rodda noted that both S. Res. 483 and H. Res. 598 "seek to promote" the third annual Ten Commandments Weekend (website), "an event instituted by the Boca Raton, Florida-based Ten Commandments Commission (TCC) -- "Watchmen United On The Wall" -- an organization formed in 2005 in response to court rulings against the display of the ten commandments on government property."

"We did not establish the organization for any reason other than to praise the Word of God and share His message," Ron Wexler, an Orthodox Jew and co-founder, along with Dr. Myles Monroe of Bahamas Faith Ministries International, of the Ten Commandments Commission has stated. "We appreciate the recognition from the various Congressmen and look forward to working with them towards educating citizens regarding the importance of the Ten Commandments to the future well-being of the United States."

Ron Wexler and the Ten Commandments Commission

Wexler's Ten Commandments Commission claims that its "main purpose … was to create a global think tank with the world's leaders who have already recognized the power behind the TCC." Its intended "objective is to have 5 million strong members/supporters and bring the Ten Commandments -- Watchman United on the Wall message to every church and ministry in the nation."


See more stories tagged with: nrb, ten commandments commissi

Bill Berkowitz is a freelance writer covering right-wing groups and movements.

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