Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Star Theory

March 5, 2008 at 10:04:23

Star Theory

by Kyle Hunt Page 1 of 3 page(s)


Tell A Friend

I lay very still. The thought we once had was finally catching hold again.

Birth of a Star

What we call “I” began as tiny vibrations of energy. We began to grow as the cloud of material, which were the lesser energies around us, became incorporated into our orbit. We took mass. We were mainly only plasma way back then, though.

We had a guidebook – a set of rules - that showed us how to develop. And we were nurtured along the way by the loving vibrations surrounding and engulfing us.

When we were ready to be “born”, we left our mothers. It was a less tranquil, volatile existence, but we burned brightly. We took in more mass, but this time in a much clumsier fashion - through engulfing. We eventually we got the hang of it and were able to consume many different sources of energy.

As we sometimes ate inefficient sources of energy without burning it, we took on some slowly vibrating energy. This stopped us from burning very brightly - it actually smoldered our inner flame. It was not in vain, though, as this mass was only providing convenient storage for later consumption- so we could grow even bigger and brighter.

By reaching out into the world, we were able to develop a perception and conception of what we call reality. And we were very much in control of it. When we wanted something, it was provided for us. All we had to do was ask in our simple ways.

We can still remember those old days. Our world appeared to us in its true nature: as radiating energy. But somewhere along the line, we seemed to forget this. We forgot that we can change the way we view our reality, and in doing so, create the future.

We were made to feel powerless, insignificant, and ineffectual. At one point, we might have considered ourselves to be separate. But then truth flooded through us in a wave of brilliance.


Our true nature does not become immediately apparent when we only consider our reality within a limited framework.

We might feel very small when we imagine that our sun is only a small star in the midst of an expansive, unfathomably large galaxy full of stars much bigger than our own. And this Milky Way Galaxy is only one galaxy among myriads.

But we can also imagine downward in scale. Our bodies are made up of organs, each of which has a specialized function, intended to support our existence in this realm. Each of these organs is made of tissue, which is a collection of cells working together to produce an effect. We do not usually have to tell them what to do, but they sure tell us when there is a crisis. Each one of these smaller parts is a living microcosm of us!

And below this, our cell has beautifully crafted parts, which are also made of even more fascinating parts – all of which are made up purely of energy. Each one of these smaller parts is a living microcosm of us! When this all works in a cohesive, balanced, and constructive manner, the “I am” begins to materialize as a strong, yet submissive force. This is all us!

The Nature of Light

Through quantum physics, we were able to show that an event and its observer are always inherently linked. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle indicates that if we probe the exact location of any particle, then we are clueless to its momentum or energy, and vice versa. This is because “matter” is not made up of divisible and solid parts – as we once viewed the atom. This dualistic nature of energy allows it to manifest in both wave and photon form. We came to understand that space and time are also connected in this incredible way.

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Kyle Hunt is currently living and working in Silicon Valley. He graduated from, and briefly worked for, Amherst College in Massachusetts. Kyle double majored in Psychology and Theater & Dance. He is an amateur philosopher, athlete, artist, and an occasional writer.

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