Tuesday, March 11, 2008


March 5, 2008 at 10:28:26

Headlined on 3/5/08:

by "Hoss" David P. Page 1 of 1 page(s)


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What we're seeing in the Democratic primary is the oldest sales trick in the book, the old bait and switch. I'm watching a truly popular candidate suddenly being handled by the media at this late date and seeing the true establishment candidate suddenly being promoted as the "real" deal. The way to the nomination for Hillary Clinton is being patiently explained by those in the media who just a few short weeks ago were acting like they were glad she was gone. I'm not fooled, the establishment allowed Barack Obama a free hand to go out and draw people in or back in the system who otherwise would never have been interested. Barack went around the country preaching hope and change to an electorate weary of establishment glad handling and rip offs. Now just a quick romp through Pennsylvania and Hillary will claim the nomination should be hers because of her success in the so called "big" states. It will all be rationalized as the Super delegates hand Hillary the nomination saying because she won the big states, she's the only Democrat that can win in November.

Barack Obama will have no choice but to play along as any other move would be political suicide for his career. He may be handed an olive leaf known as the VP slot on the ticket. He of course will accept because again, any other move would be his political suicide. Besides, the Democrats will expect him to bring along all his supporters as he, being a good Democrat, will be expected to pledge his support and hand over his supporters to Hillary Clinton. Just like they planned it several months or even years ago. Not Obama perhaps, but the Democratic establishment and it's corporate sponsorship. So who will be disappointed?

The short answer, if you are disappointed and disillusioned now with politics and American foreign and domestic policy, you will continue to be disappointed in 09 and beyond. For that matter even the great peace candidate, Barack Obama himself, said just today on TV that there will be Peace with Honor in Iraq. If Viet Nam is any guide that means that the Iraq war will continue on unabated for another 5 years easy. It would appear that all those reports and innuendos about Obama's safety have had their intended impact on the great populist. The WAR ON TERROR with it's idiocy abroad and it's civil liberty eroding measures in the HOMELAND will also continue no matter what even with the great populist. Isn't that good news? The one little ray of hope that will be gone when Hillary is nominated is that Obama wanted to discuss problems with our so called enemies. Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, Hamas, Hezbollah and the list goes on. The status quo of global division will continue and those rich few that benefit from this division will not miss a pay check or a Government Contract.

So thank you American Politics for another great circus. We love the final act we're seeing now, the bait and switch. Let's hear it for the political power brokers and comedy TV. Let's hear it for the investment, banking and defense contractors. How about a hip! hip! hooray! for the Oil Companies! And last but not least, a tip of the hat to our treasured allies, the British and Israel. What ever would American do without our involvement in your Mid east Colonialism and Apartheid. And one last acknowledgment, to the Health care and Health Care Insurance Industries, for you there's nothing but smooth sailing and guaranteed exploitive profits ahead. And of course, and how could I ever leave these guys out, LONG LIVE THE FUTURES SPECULATORS!


I am a simple man of eclectic interests and tastes with no particular academic credentials. I still perceive, think, read and write somewhat. Writing music is a hobby of mine

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