[Editor's note: For more on this story click here.]

As a number of you have pointed out, DOJ just informed the ACLU and Judge Alvin Hellerstein that CIA destroyed 92 tapes showing torture.

In the meantime, the CIA can now identify the number of videotapes that were destroyed, which is information implicated by [Hellerstein's order that ACLU gets information responsive to its FOIA request]. Ninety-two videotapes were destroyed.

Once McCaffrey the MilleniaLab and I go for a walk, I'm going to follow-up to see whether those 92 tapes all came from Abu Zubaydah and al-Nashiri's torture (remember--original reports said there had been thousands of hours of videotape) or whether the torture tapes of different detainees were included.

Just as interesting (particularly in light of the goings on in the al-Haramain case), is the list of information that the ACLU will shortly be getting (the CIA wants this week to put together a schedule for turning over the information). That includes: