Monday, November 10, 2008

Steering Committee for prosecution of AWOL Bush for war crimes‏

News and Views you don't have to lose: Steering Committee
"If Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and others are not prosecuted," Velvel said, "the future could be threatened by additional examples of Executive lawlessness by leaders who need fear no personal consequences for their actions, including more illegal wars such as Iraq." so says, Massachusetts law school Dean Lawrence Velvel chair of a Steering Committee to pursue the prosecution for war crimes of President Bush et al., after Jan. 20th.

Initial actions considered by the Steering Committee, Velvel said, are as follows:

# Seeking prosecutions of high level officials, including George Bush, for the crimes they committed.

# Seeking disbarment of lawyers who were complicitous in facilitating torture.

# Seeking termination from faculty positions of high officials who were complicitous in torture.

# Issuing a recent statement saying any attempt by Bush to pardon himself and aides for war crimes prior to leaving office will result in efforts to obtain impeachment even after they leave office.

# Convening a major conference on the state secret and executive privilege doctrines, which have been pushed to record levels during the Bush administration.

# Designation of an Information Repository Coordinator to gather in one place all available information involving the Bush Administration's war crimes.

# Possible impeachment of 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jay Bybee for co-authoring the infamous "torture memo."

08 Nov 2008 The unemployment rate soared to 6.5 percent, , up from 6.1 percent just a month earlier.

Nov. 6, 2008 Just 3 'superbanks' now dominate industry

The financial crisis that has been sweeping the globe has reshaped nearly every corner of the economy, but no industry has been altered more radically than banking. Several of the nation's biggest banks have failed or been absorbed by healthier institutions, leaving three giant "superbanks" with an unprecedented concentration of market power: Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo.

"Bank fees are going up, up, up, and that's the danger to consumers as more of these banks consolidate," says Sally Greenberg, executive director of the National Consumer League. "It's difficult for the average person to get a bank account that doesn't involve fees, and if you get into financial distress you're cooked, and you'll be `fee-ed' to death."

According to a recently released banking fee study from, ATM surcharges rose 11 percent this year, and the fee for a bounced checks rose 2.5 percent.

In fact, existing federal banking laws say that no bank can have more than 10 percent of the domestic deposit market — a threshold recently surpassed by all three superbanks.

When asked whether the government would take any action, a Justice Department official was noncommittal.

The Treasury is pouring some $250 billion of taxpayer money into healthy financial institutions, and some of that is being used by stronger banks to snap up weaker rivals.

"Conspiracy" just means, more than one person being involved in something

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