Thursday, November 27, 2008

Obama Takes a Dig at Bush: 'When We Make Mistakes, We Admit Them'

Posted by Ali Frick, Think Progress at 2:51 PM on November 25, 2008.

"This is also part of the new way of doing business."

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During yesterday's press conference with President-elect Obama, the journalists were divided into a White Sox section and a Cubs section. The pool reporter lamented that he -- "a genuine White Sox fan" -- was assigned to the Cubs section. During today's press conference, Obama apologized to the reporter and took a shot at the Bush administration's unwillingness to admit error:

I understand that as a life-long White Sox fan, you were placed in the Cubs section yesterday. And I want to apologize for that. This is also part of the new way of doing business: When we make mistakes, we admit them.

Watch it:

The reporter, Steve Thomma, responded, "Thank you sir, that's the change we need on behalf of White Sox fans."


Tagged as: bush, obama, chicago, white sox, cubs, steve thomma

Ali Frick is a Research Associate for The Progress Report and at the Center for American Progress Action Fund.

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