Friday, November 21, 2008

Obama and the Great Depression

November 19, 2008 at 16:54:33

Obama and the Great Depression

by Mickey Z. Page 1 of 1 page(s)

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No, I don’t mean that Great Depression. I’m talking about the inevitable moment—maybe next week, maybe next year—when the Kool Aid wears off and the Obamatrons wake up to realize their hero offers nothing even approximating hope or change.

The carefully calculated speeches—which have always been filled with empty, hollow phrases—will no longer soothe a battered and desperate populace and the Obamabots will suddenly recognize that the Pope of Hope has never been anything more than a human marketing strategy, a product. This year’s iPhone.

“Yes we can”? Merely the first three words of a longer phrase: “Yes we can continue to work, consume, and obey authority without question.”

A great depression, so to speak, will set in. According to, some people say this condition feels “like a black curtain of despair … Many people feel like they have no energy and can't concentrate. Others feel irritable all the time.” Other common symptoms include "empty" feelings and a sense of hopelessness.

Hopelessness: how frighteningly appropriate for the inescapable post-Obama comedown. Change we can bereave in.

Yes, a great and unpreventable depression will set in…but, you betcha, the damage is already done.

As for that other Great Depression looming on the horizon, well, here’s my short-term economic recovery plan:

1. Cut the military budget by 75%
2. Eliminate corporate welfare
3. Return the corporate tax rate back to where it was in the 1950s

Hey, what can I say? I’m a maverick…

Mickey Z. can be found on the Web at

Mickey Z. can be found on the Web at

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