Friday, November 21, 2008

Here and Hereafter

November 19, 2008 at 15:57:08

Here and Hereafter

by Keith Pope Page 1 of 1 page(s)

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All you presidents and kings - Rascals, just wake up, will you. Some of us know your game only too well, and know that most of you well know what you are doing.

At your recent meeting of "the Great 20," we may correctly wonder how many of you were cynically eyeing the innocents among you, or whether when the flunkeys closed the doors you all fell about guffawing. Were you all slapping one another's backs as you prepared so concernedly to sell us, your idiot public, another slew of financial garbage that would keep us nicely dumbed down for another fifty years and the prospects of your families ever more buoyant? If not, what is the proportion of those who are in the know and any wide-eyed innocents who are still not in the loop?

Surely the proportion of you must be the majority, of you who know that all finance is only a sham, a carefully-structured house of pretty paper money and its pretty lying delusion, a pretense that keeps the herd poor and productive, your pockets fat with such resulting paper lies and your trough so satisfyingly full.

Surely the majority of you have to know, as you lick the hands that feed you so well, that 'money' has never been other than a swindle, for all the five thousand years of its infliction and manipulation. If we know it, you know it. So why not act like decent humans for once in your life and serve those of us of 'the herd' who have entrusted you with our administration and put you there. So the Rothschilds would not be able to add to the 40 to 60 quadrillion they have already salted away in their tax-exempt Trusts, extorted from the world at such cost in suffering over just the last couple of centuries. So what? What the hell are they, and who the hell do you think you are to penalize the rest of the world for the sake of your and their pockets?

Debt is as much a lie as the invention of money, as you and we have just so clearly seen as the Paulson crew simultaneously and criminally manufactured both before our eyes, and many of you know it. So what, the simple cancellation of the world debt would not favor the family and their tribe who bribe you so well? So what! Just recognize that if you don't act to stamp out the monstrous lying injustice of this totally illusory 'debt' then this time the risk involved might well influence the length and status of your and their necks.

You know as well as we do that this recent scam has been designed to collapse the banking system and destitute the populations either by said collapse or by the inflation otherwise 'necessary to bail the banks out'. - You know this and we know it.

So Paulson and his crew of low villains at the Rothschilds' Goldman Sachs, doubtless on instruction, INVENTED the quadrillion of imaginary debt to sell to and thus ruin all our banks, for the accursed Rothschilds then to shuffle in their Amero, and have Britain join the Euro, for them then to wipe that out too and shuffle in their equally fatuous world 'Wuro' or some such trash.

Our bankrupted countries can as easily recognize the reality of your deception, see the utter illusion of finance, cancel all debt and rectify the world financial situation with the stroke of a pen, and you know it. The existence of finance and its manipulation to produce the present and still-impending 'financial catastrophe' is all a sham. We know this, and most of you cannot be so blind and brainless that you don't know it too.

You also know as well as we do that we can build an equitable system of human activity all over the world without having to screw whole populations into penury and starvation. Only the Rothschild and Rockefeller perverts want to behave like that. But so far you agree to the persistent infliction of their horrendous scam of finance just because that best suits this evil parasitic group from whom you presently take your extra monstrous pay and their orders. You continue to allow this scourge of finance just because, as for the last two centuries, the Rothschilds pay you.

We know and you probably know that this illicit largesse costs them nothing and us everything, that the whole existence of finance is a fiction and that all debt and the misery it causes could be abolished. However, you aid the perpetrators' infliction of finance and its usury just because you benefit so richly from it, and some of us know that, too. Be careful, you '20' and your discreetly-knowing minions! Humanity is watching you, and so is God! The fall at the end of a rope may be only little, but the stop is awful sudden. And then what?

Life is short, and your time is passing you have no idea how quickly and unremittingly. Then you will have some ultimate questions to answer, and what will each of you have to say, except - Yes, I deliberately allowed those vermin to ruin the planet and destitute the world of women and children, for the sake of my pocket. Then what? This is no joke. Think about it!

Some of you may still be duped, but some of us are not, and we can well see who of you are not fulfilling your duties to us to whom you have sworn such responsibilities. We can see who of you are deliberately failing us with such cynical indifference, and history and our courts - and other Courts higher yet - await you, and at least this last cannot be evaded and will not be denied.

So, Rascals, you ridiculous 'Presidents' and fatuous 'Kings', although I could have expressed this in more gilded phrases, I have to continue on your level for the sake of your venal mentalities. In the further parlance of your low villainous Wall Street crew, The game's up, wake up, wise up and smell the coffee.

Cancel this fiction of debt, or what you might soon smell is yourselves burning, here and hereafter.

Aged beyond belief, with a fund of experience that few could challenge and fewer envy, and with a wealth of information and expertise that goes with it.

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