Sunday, November 23, 2008

Clinton's little undeclared war for oil and his lies about war crimes on behalf of dick.mcmanus

Catchy headline should get some interest, don't you think?
US and NATO Bombing in the Balkans was an undeclared war with CIA links to Al Qeada and a war crimes
1992 -1999 US Bombing of the Serbs and CIA links to Al Qeada
You can read the evidence that TWA flight 800 was likely shot down with a Stinger or SAM-7 missile, if you skip down to the middle of this link. The first part is the same as the above.
Were Stinger missiles given by the CIA to al Qaeda in Bosnia used to shoot down TWA flight 800?
Let me throw in this happy bit a crap as well.
CIA Withheld Information From the Justice Department

"The senior Republican on the House Intelligence Committee Thursday called for a criminal investigation into whether the CIA lied to Congress and withheld information from the Justice Department during its inquiry into the 2001 shoot-down of an American missionary plane by the Peruvian air force with help from a CIA spotter plane. The CIA's Office of General Counsel advised agency managers to avoid producing written reports about the incident 'to avoid both criminal charges against Agency officers and civil liability,' according to unclassified excerpts of an August CIA inspector general report released Thursday by Michigan Rep. Pete Hoekstra."
Children Dying in Haiti, Victims of Food Crisis

Jonathan M. Katz, The Associated Press: "The 5-year-old teetered on broomstick legs - he weighed less than 20 pounds, even after days of drinking enriched milk. Nearby, a 4-year-old girl hung from a strap attached to a scale, her wide eyes lifeless, her emaciated arms dangling weakly. In pockets of Haiti accessible only by donkey or foot, children are dying of malnutrition - their already meager food supply cut by a series of devastating storms that destroyed crops, wiped out livestock and sent food prices spiraling."
Comment: How about the old addage about taking care of your family and your neighbors and first?
"Conspiracy" just means, more than one person being involved in something

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