Friday, November 21, 2008

2 Polls from OEN

Here are a couple of polls currently running @ OpEd News (OEN)........interesting results of how people are voting..............Hope someone is pating attention to polls like these........PEACE........Scott

By Rob Kall
Poll: Did Hillary Cut The Secretary Of State Deal Months Ago, Before Obama Picked Biden?
Maybe Hillary didn't want to be VP. Maybe what she wanted all along, if she couldn't be president, was Secretary of State. Maybe she cut the deal before Obama settled on his VP pick.

By Douglas Smyth
Poll: Should The Obama Administration Prosecute Bush-Cheney Crimes?
Should the Obama administration pursue the Bush-Cheney crimes committed in the war, its run-up, in intelligence and interrogation and in Justice? Or shouldn't it? If a broad Bush pardon constrains the new administration, is there a middle way?

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