Saturday, November 19, 2005

Some Unknown US History

by Dick McManus (copyright 18 Oct 2005)

The purpose of this paper is to list some historical facts that most US citizens do not know.


The US Civil War: General Sherman’s acts against the city of Randolph, Tennessee in 1862. When Confederate Sharpshooters from the town fired upon federal gunboats, Sherman had the entire town burned to the ground. He took civilian hostages from the town and in some instances traded them for Federal soldiers or just executed them.

Jackson and Meridian Mississippi would face the same fate from one of Lincoln’s favorite Generals. They would both be burned to the ground even though there were no Confederate Armies in the area. Sherman’s soldiers then sacked the town and, as Sherman biographer John Marzelek wrote, soldiers "entered residences, appropriating whatever appeared to be of value . . those articles which they could not carry they broke."
Sherman would write of the campaign "for five days, ten thousand of our men worked hard and with a will, in that work of destruction, with axes, sledges, crowbars, clawbars, and with fire.... Meridian no longer exists."

Professor DiLorenzo writes in his work, Targeting Civilians, that in 1862 Sherman wrote his wife that his purpose in the war would be "extermination, not of soldiers alone, that is the least of the trouble, but the people" of the South.

In October of 1864 Sherman ordered a subordinate, General Louis Watkins, to go to Fairmount, Georgia, "burn ten or twelve houses" and "kill a few at random," and "let them know that it will be repeated every time a train is fired upon."

Professor DiLorenzo also says in his work “Although it is rarely mentioned by 'mainstream' historians, many acts of rape were committed by these federal soldiers. The University of South Carolina’s library contains a collection of thousands of diaries and letters of Southern women that mention these unspeakable atrocities.”

DiLorenzo continues: “Sherman’s’ band of criminal looters (known as "bummers") sacked the slave cabins as well as the plantation houses. "With the utter disregard for blacks that was the norm among Union troops, the soldiers ransacked the slave cabins, taking whatever they liked." A routine procedure would be to hang a slave by his neck until he told federal soldiers where the plantation owners’ valuables were hidden. "

Then there is the “March to the Sea” wherein Sherman claimed in his memoirs that his army “destroyed more than $100 million in private property and carried home $20 million more.”

General Philip Sheridan perpetrated like terror on the citizens of the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. In the autumn of 1864 Sheridan’s 35,000 infantry troops essentially burned the entire valley to the ground. As Sheridan described it in a letter to General Grant, in the first few days he "destroyed over 2200 barns . . . over 70 mills . . . have driven in front of the army over 4000 head of stock, and have killed . . . not less than 3000 sheep . . . Tomorrow I will continue the destruction."

Lincoln was the Commander in Chief when the horrible acts of the “Long Walk” were perpetrated on the Navajo. The entire campaign against the Indian was to make safe passage for the railroads and secure the land for population. Lincoln was the chief lawyer for many of the railroads before he was elected president.

The Long Walk in 1864, when Kit Carson rounded up 8,000 Navajos and forced them to walk more than 300 miles from northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico to Bosque Redondo, a desolate tract on the Pecos River in eastern New Mexico.

The brackish Pecos water caused severe intestinal problems, and diseases were rampant. Armyworm destroyed the corn crop, and the wood supply at the Bosque was soon depleted. The Navajos endured the wretched camp for four years, when the government relented and returned them to their homeland

Lincoln also presided over the largest mass execution of American Indians with the hanging of the Santee Sioux in Minnesota.


Richard Hofstadter analyzed American presidents in his book The American Political Tradition, he found that Democratic leaders as well as Republicans, liberals as well as conservatives, invaded other countries, sought to expand U.S. power across the globe.

Theodore Roosevelt, a lover of war, and an enthusiastic supporter of the war in Spain and the conquest of the Philippines 1899 — 1902. As our armies were committing massacres in the Philippines (at least 600,000 Filipinos died in a few years of conflict).

Woodrow Wilson in April of 1914, he ordered the bombardment of the Mexican coast, and the occupation of the city of Vera Cruz, in retaliation for the arrest of several U.S. sailors. He sent Marines into Haiti in 1915, killing thousands of Haitians who resisted, beginning a long military occupation of that tiny country. He sent Marines to occupy the Dominican Republic in 1916. (Source: Howard Zinn, A People's History of the US)
In the summer of 1933, shortly after Roosevelt's "First 100 Days," America's richest businessmen were in a panic. It was felt by some of America's riches men that Roosevelt intended to conduct a massive redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor. Roosevelt had to be stopped at all costs. They secretly financed and organized a military coup.

* Irenee Du Pont - Right-wing chemical industrialist and founder of the American Liberty League, the organization assigned to execute the plot.
* Grayson Murphy - Director of Goodyear, Bethlehem Steel and a group of J.P. Morgan banks.
* William Doyle - Former state commander of the American Legion and a central plotter of the coup.
* John Davis - Former Democratic presidential candidate and a senior attorney for J.P. Morgan.
* Al Smith - Roosevelt's bitter political foe from New York. Smith was a former governor of New York and a codirector of the American Liberty League.
* John J. Raskob - A high-ranking Du Pont officer and a former chairman of the Democratic Party. In later decades, Raskob would become a "Knight of Malta," a Roman Catholic Religious Order with a high percentage of CIA spies, including CIA Directors William Casey, William Colby and John McCone.
* Robert Clark - One of Wall Street's richest bankers and stockbrokers.
* Gerald MacGuire - Bond salesman for Clark, and a former commander of the Connecticut American Legion. MacGuire was the key recruiter to General Butler.

The plotters attempted to recruit General Smedley Butler to lead the coup. When the plotters approached General Butler with their proposal to lead the coup, he pretended to go along with the plan at first, secretly deciding to betray it to Congress at the right moment.

The plot fell apart when Butler went public. The general revealed the details of the coup before the McCormack-Dickstein Committee. The Committee however, failed to call in any of the coup plotters for questioning, other than MacGuire. In fact, the Committee whitewashed the public version of its final report, deleting the names of powerful businessmen whose reputations they sought to protect.

Even more alarming, the news media failed to pick up on the story, and even today the incident remains little known. The elite managed to spin the story as nothing more than the rumors and hearsay of Butler. Butler, appalled by the cover-up, went on national radio to denounce it, but with little success.

Butler was not vindicated until 1967, when journalist John Spivak uncovered the Committee's internal, secret report. It clearly confirmed Butler's story:

In the last few weeks of the committee's life it received evidence showing that certain persons had attempted to establish a fascist organization in this country.

Sources: Jonathon Vankin and John Whalen, The 60 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time (Secaucus, N.J.: Carol Publishing Group, 1997) Jules Archer, The Plot to Seize the White House (New York: Hawthorne Books, 1973) George Seldes, Even the Gods Can't Change History (Secaucus, N.J.: Lyle Stuart, Inc., 1976) John Spivak, A Man in His Time (New York: Horizon Press, 1967)


Dec 7, 1941: FDR claimed Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack. It wasn't.

President Roosevelt (FDR) provoked the attack, knew about it in advance and covered up his failure to warn the Hawaiian commanders. FDR needed the attack to sucker Hitler to declare war, since the public and Congress were overwhelmingly against entering the war in Europe. It was his backdoor to war.
FDR blinded the commanders at Pearl Harbor and set them up by -

denying intelligence to Hawaii (HI)
on Nov 27, misleading the commanders into thinking negotiations with Japan were continuing to prevent them from realizing the war was on
having false information sent to HI about the location of the Japanese carrier fleet

The United States saw war with Japan as the means to get into war with Germany, which Americans opposed. So Roosevelt needed Japan to appear to strike first. Following an 8-step plan devised by the Office of Naval Intelligence, Roosevelt intentionally provoked Japan into the attack.

Documents declassified in May 2000 confirm that Yamamoto's message was intercepted in Hawaii at a (US) radio intercept station known as "Station H" overlooking Kaneohe Bay on windward Oahu.

On November 24th, 1941, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto sent a radio message to Admiral Chuichi Nagumo, Commander of the Pacific Striking Fleet, which read in part,

"The task force, keeping its movement strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow".

"...everything that the Japanese were planning to do was known to the United States..."

US Source: ARMY BOARD, 1944

Note: All the America's newests ships were sent our to sea prior to the Japanese attacking and only the old run-down ships were left in port.

See more details below:

In 1943 this resulted in the Britain-USA (Brusa) agreement to merge the Communications Intelligence (COMINT) agencies of both governments. One of the little-known features of Brusa was that President Roosevelt agreed that the two governments could spy on each others' citizens, without search warrants, by establishing "listening posts" on each others' territory.

U.S. Participation in the "Comfort Women" System

After the war, the Japanese government was afraid that United States and other Allied troops would commit atrocities in a similar manner as their own troops did when invading China in 1937. In order to prevent rapes, on August 18, 1945, the Japanese government opened the "comfort stations" for use by Allied troops. 21 According to Japanese documents and testimony from former "comfort women," the women at these stations were forced to serve as sexual slaves to the American soldiers. The first "comfort station" opened for the use of United States troops in the Tokyo area on August 27,1945, with reports that terrified "comfort women" began weeping, clung to posts in the building and refused to move.

The United States did not simply make use of Japanese initiated "comfort stations" but also requested others be built on their behalf. In September of 1945, the chief of Tokyo's Public Health Section, Yosano Hikaru met with the Surgeon General of the Army to discuss the availability of women for the United States Army. After this meeting, responsibility for the "comfortstations" was divided between Yosano and Colonel C.F. Sams, Chief of the Public Health and Welfare Department. These stations were only closed because of threat of sexually transmitted diseases.

Beginning in 1931 or 1932 and continuing throughout the duration of the Asian/Pacific wars, the Japanese Government instituted a system of sexual slavery throughout the territories it occupied.1 During that time, women were recruited by force, coercion, or deception into sexual slavery for the Japanese military. These women were euphemistically referred to as "comfort women" by the Japanese Imperial Army. Although historians often disagree about the number of "comfort women," the most widely used figure is estimated at 200,000.2 The majority (approximately 80%) came from Korea.


A secret World War II war crime investigation noted that on April 29th, (late 1940s) on the US liberation of the
Dachau death camp, a PFC John Lee and a few other US soldiers assembled about 60 German soldiers, lined them up against a wall and shot them. These Germans were SS Nazi troops with their hands up in surrender. Also a US lieutenant ordered four Germans into an empty boxcar and shot them. Several US soldiers turned their backs as two inmates beat a German guard
to death with a shovel.

The Commander of these US soldiers, LTC Felix L. Sparks, said, "It was one of those situations I was unable to control for a short time." This war crime investigation was sent to Gen. Patton, who commanded the 3rd Army, but no action was taken. (The Army Times, Aug 6, 2001, by David Wood)


The South Korean Army (may have) massacred 30,000 people on Jeju Island between Oct 1948 and Feb 1949. Alledly, these massacres were part of an effort in the southern part of Korea to eliminate people thought to be communists. In Jeju the elections at the time, were boycotted in two districts, the only ones in the southern part of country to abstain. The sKorean government and possibly the US, has covered up this war crime since then. This war crime is currently being investigated in sKorea and the US. (Source: "Pacific Currents", OCT 2001)


FBI history, the formal COINTELPRO's of 1956–1971

Dubbed COINTELPRO (counterintelligence program) by J. Edgar Hoover, This program began in 1956 and continued until 1971 aimed to stifle dissent among US domestic radical groups.

COINTELPRO operations, giving clear pictures since five of them of the crude but apparently effective techniques used against the American Communist Party, the Socialist Workers' Party, white hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, radical African American organizations like the Black Panther Party, and the New Left movement, comprised primarily of antiwar activists. The FBI was still committing abuses in the 1980's, particularly against groups opposed to US policy in Central America. (Source: Spying on America: The FBI's Domestic Counterintelligence Program by James Kirkpatrick Davis.


The FBI Library Awareness Program was a program that ran for about 25 years, in which FBI agents tried to enlist the assistance of librarians in monitoring the reading habits of "suspicious" individuals. FBI agents clandestinely visited libraries to track the reading habits of people from communist countries, people with foreign-sounding names, and people with foreign accents.

As part of its Library Awareness Program, the Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted numerous counterintelligence activities in libraries, including requesting confidential information on library users based solely on their nationality.
The Cold War–era counterintelligence program arose out of suspicions that Soviet agents were searching the stacks for valuable technical data, and targeted scientific and technical libraries, including some public and university libraries. As part of the program, agents asked library staff members to report the use of unclassified scientific reading materials by people from "hostile foreign nations." Often, FBI agents who didn't have subpoenas or search warrants approached lower-level workers for information, which they used intimidation tactics to obtain. One FBI document reveals an extended investigation of librarians who criticized this Bureau's program. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) became heavily politicized and acquiesced to the spying.
(Source: Herbert N. Foerstel, Surveillance in the Stacks: The FBI’s Library Awareness Program, (Greenwood Press 1991)

In 1950s and '60s, the FBI, the CIA, and Ronald Reagan, "spent years unlawfully trying to quash the voices and careers of students and faculty deemed subversive at the University of California. [The FBI plotted against UC President Clark Kerr while aiding Reagan's political career]. Reagan intended to mount a 'psychological warfare campaign' against subversives, file tax evasion and other charges against them, and do anything else it could to restore moral order. [The FBI protected Reagan from being implicated for lying about his own past by altering his security clearance]. Files show he repeatedly gave the FBI names of people he suspected of being communist over the years. [The CIA & FBI directors conspired to 'harass and eliminate' liberal faculty members. When Lyndon Johnson picked Kerr to be Secretary of HEW], the FBI background check included damaging information the agency knew to be false, and Johnson withdrew the nomination."


The Wackenhut Corporation maintained and updated its files even after the McCarthyite hysteria had ebbed, adding the names of antiwar protesters and civil-rights demonstrators to its list of "derogatory types." By 1965, Wackenhut was boasting to potential investors that the company maintained files on 2.5 million suspected dissidents-one in 46 American adults then living. in 1966, after acquiring the private files of Karl Barslaag; a former staff member of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, Wackenhut could confidently maintain that with more than 4 million names, it had the largest privately held file on suspected dissidents in America. In 1975, after Congress investigated companies that had private files, Wackenhut gave its files to the now-defunct anti-Communist Church League of America of Wheaton, Illinois. That organization had worked closely with the red squads of big-city police departments, particularly in New York and L.A., spying on suspected sympathizers; George Wackenhut was personal friends with the League's leaders, and was a major contributor to the group.
(Source: Age of Surveillance by Frank Donner and Inside the Shadow CIA by John Connolly, SPY Magazine - Sept 1992 - Volume 6)

Declassified CIA documents later revealed that in 1956 and 1958 the US Army had loosed swarms of specially bred mosquitoes in Georgia and Florida to study their use as weapons in a biological war.


Philanthropic foundations and the CIA

In her book THE CULTURAL COLD WAR, Frances Stoner Saunders recalled how the Ford Foundation collaborated with the CIA in the past--on behalf of the Ultra-Rich families of the U.S. Establishment's power elite.

"The use of philanthropic foundations was the most convenient way to pass large sums of money to Agency projects without alerting the recipients to their source. By the mid-1950s, the CIA's intrusion into the foundation field was massive. Although figures are not available for this period, the general counsel of a 1952 Congress committee appointed to investigate US foundations concluded that `An unparalleled amount of power is concentrated increasingly in the hands of an interlocking and self-perpetuating group. Unlike the power of corporate management, it is unchecked by stockholders; unlike the power of government, it is unchecked by the people; unlike the power of the churches, it is unchecked by any firmly established canons of value.' In 1976, a Select Committee appointed to investigate US intelligence activities reported on the CIA's penetration of the foundation field by the mid-1960s: during 1963-6, of the 700 grants over $10,000 given by 164 foundations, at least 108 involved partial or complete CIA funding. More importantly, CIA funding was involved in nearly half the grants made by these 164 foundations in the field of international activities during the same period.

"`Bona fide' foundations such as Ford, Rockefeller and Carnegie were considered `the best and most plausible kind of funding cover.' A CIA study of 1966 argued that this technique was `particularly effective for democratically run membership organizations, which need to assure their own unwitting members and collaborators, as well as their hostile critics, that they have genuine, respectable, private sources of income.' Certainly, it allowed the CIA to fund`a seemingly limitless range of covert action programs affecting youth groups, labor unions, universities, publishing houses, and other private institutions from the early 1950s."

Shortly after Allen Dulles was to become Director of Central Intelligence, John McCloy became the new president of the Ford Foundation McCloy created an administrative unit within the Ford Foundation specifically to deal with the CIA. Headed by McCloy and two foundation officers, this three-man committee had to be consulted every time the CIA wanted to use the foundation, either as a pass-through, or as cover. With this arrangement in place, the Ford Foundation became officially engaged as one of those organizations the CIA was able to mobilize for political warfare.

After John F. Kennedy's assassination, McCloy was appointed to the Warren Commission.

McGeorge Bundy, became president of the Ford Foundation in 1966 (coming straight from his job as Special Assistant to the President in Charge of National Security.

In her 1982 book ROOTED IN SECRECY: THE CLANDESTINE ELEMENT IN AUSTRALIAN POLITICS by Joan Coxsedge noted that "the Ford Foundation" also "took over the funding of the Congress for Cultural Freedom after its CIA cover was blown in 1966."

The percentage of public broadcasting revenue coming from foundations has doubled in the past two decades. And in the world of nonprofit media, a few million a year goes a long way...

(1960s) Gen Lemnitzer, Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, believed that the Bay of Pigs Invasion would fail (based on his military assessment of the invasion force and the Cuban defense forces), but withheld his judgement from President Kennedy. (Source: Body of Secrets, p. 82)

The CIA knew in advance that the date of the invasion had been leaked to the Russians, who had in turn relayed that information to Castro. In spite of this information, the head of the CIA, Allen Dulles, ordered the Bay of Pigs Operation forward. The CIA's intention was for Kennedy to send in jets to bomb Cuba and for the Marines to join the (US trained and equipped Cuban "freedom fighters") brigade already on land. If this had happened the survivors would have been placed in a Cuban prison, which would have created an uproar by the American public and forced Kennedy to order a full-scale invasion. High-ranking officials within the CIA spread the myth that Kennedy was responsible for the failure of the invasion. Many Cubans continue to hold this belief when, in truth, the betrayal lies with Allen Dulles and the CIA.
(Source: Crime So Immense, Texas Observer, May 26, 2000)


The Top Secret codename for the bay of pigs operation, was Operation Zapata. Zapata Petroleum or Zapata Offshore was a Midland, TX oil company headed by George Bush Sr. There is a lot of evidence that Zapata Petrolleum was a CIA front company used to support the Bay of Pigs invasion.S

Joseph McBride, wrote two articles in The Nation and disclosed that George Bush Sr. had been involved with the CIA before JFK has been assassinated. He examined an FBI memo dated Nov. 29, 1963 from Hoover to the State Department, subject: “Assassination of President John F. Kennedy November 22, 1963”.

This memo stated that Oswald was in police custody and available for interrogation about his affiliation with agencies of the US government. It in the memo was noted/stated that FBI SA W. T. Forsyth and Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency briefed “Mr. George Bush of the CIA“. McBride states, “A source with close connections to the intelligence community confirms that Bush started working for the Agency in 1960 or 1961, using his oil business as a cover for clandestine operations. (p. 331) [1] Plausible Denial by Mark Lane.

In 1962 the Pentagon and the CIA were desperate for a war with Cuba. How desperate? Desperate enough to plan attacks against American bases, equipment and personnel. Desperate enough to dress up American trained Cubans as Communists to make the attacks on American bases. Desperate enough to manufacture an airplane that looked like a Russian MiG to shoot down an American airliner.


In 1962 a Canadian agricultural technician working as an adviser to the Cuban government was paid $5,000 by the CIA to infect Cuban turkeys with a virus which would produce the fatal Newcastle Disease. 8,000 turkeys subsequently died.


During 1964, Soviet Col. Nosenko defected to the CIA after working as a spy for the CIA for two years. When Nosenko defected he said he had important information for the Warren Commission, but he was never allowed to speak to them. Nosenko told the CIA that Oswald was never associated with Soviet Intelligence and they suspected he was associated with American Intelligence. He provided the CIA with the names of KGB spies as proof of he was a real defector.

The CIA imprisoned Yuri Nosenko for three years to keep him from talking to the Warren Commission. Nosenko was imprisoned in solitary confinement in an 8 X 8 foot cell, had his teeth knocked out, and was subject to hostile interrogation and drugged, all violation civil rights granted to anyone on US soil. No one in the CIA has been tried for this crime.

Hunt and Liddy ran a little murder incorporated outfit for the CIA. Hunt and the Cubans killed JFK. The CIA influenced the news media to frame Oswald, and destroyed US citizens reputations. CIA provided false evidence to the Warren Commission that indicated Oswald had contacted the Cuban and Soviet embassy's in Mexico prior to the Kennedy's assassination. (Source: Plausible Denial by Mark Lane)


Chuck Giancana wrote a biography of his brother, Double Cross. His borther Sam Giancana murdered his way to become the leader of the Chicago mafia and the whole US mafia or "Outfit" as it is called by the gansters themselves.

This book claims Coolidge, Roosevelt, Truman, J. Edgar Hoover, Nixon and JFK were corrupted by the US mafia and they returned favors to protect the mafia's profit making by illegal means.

He writes that Joe Kennedy was not just some bootlegger who got lucky in legitimate hard drink business. He says Kennedy was a "made-man", a part of the Outfit, or a man who paid the Outfit a percentage of his profits for protection from the cops and help make the Outfit bosses rich.

He writes that Jack Kennedy was corrupt and was killed by both the CIA and the Outfit because, Bobby and Jack went against the Outfit after being helped greatly to get Jack elected. Jack Ruby was more than just a bar owner in Dallas. He says the CIA and the mafia are one and the same. (Source: Double Cross)


In the 1960s, the CIA engineered the ouster of Indonesian leader Sukarno, who was anti-western. The CIA directly aided the despotic Suharto, who slaughtered and tortured hundreds of thousands of Indonesians. After the bloodbath, in swarmed the US corporations, throwing thousands of natives off their ancient lands and trashing the environment to drill for oil and dig for gold. One of those leading this exploitive charge: HENRY KISSINGER.. HK helped Mobil forge a deal with Suharto in the mid-60s, then set up the Freeport McMoran gold mine for which he is now majority shareholder as well as anti-environmental legal counsel.

Now Bush wants to make this ugly history disappear by recalling every single truthful State Dept. history book from hundreds of libraries. Soucrs:


Tiger Force: A New Report Uncovers Multiple Atrocities Committed By An Elite Platoon in 1967 Vietnam

The platoon was called Tiger Force. A small, highly trained unit of 45 paratroopers, Tiger Force was created to spy on enemy forces in one of the most highly contested areas of South Vietnam: the Central Highlands.

For seven months in 1967, they violently lost control and carried out the longest series of atrocities in the Vietnam War.

September 5, 2004 -- Maj. James Hawkins could face a military court-martial regarding his actions commanding a platoon known as Tiger Force that killed hundreds of unarmed men, women, and children 37 years ago. Mr. Hawkins led Tiger Force between July and November, 1967.

Mr. Hawkins was among 18 former Tiger Force soldiers accused by Army investigators of crimes ranging from murder and assault to dereliction of duty during a 4 1/2-year Army investigation between 1971 and 1975. But the case was dropped by the Pentagon and concealed from the public now.

Based on classified records and interviews with former soldiers and Vietnamese civilians, the 45-member unit rampaged through two provinces between May and November, 1967 - the longest-known series of atrocities committed by a U.S. battle unit in the war.

The most serious allegation Mr Hawkins faced in 1975 was the fatal shooting of an elderly carpenter in the Song Ve Valley in July, 1967 - for which Army investigators in 1975 recommended he be charged with murder. The former officer was accused by fellow soldiers of ordering the shootings of more than a dozen other unarmed civilians, but investigators in 1975 did not recommend charges in those cases.

Soldiers hurled grenades into underground bunkers full of women and children. They shot elderly farmers toiling in their fields. One former unit medic said that soldiers "would go into villages and just shoot everybody. We didn't need an excuse. If they were there, they were dead."

Army investigators in 1975 had recommended that former Sgt. Harold Trout be charged with murder after two soldiers witnessed the sergeant executing a wounded Vietnamese man, according to their sworn statements. Four other witnesses during the investigation accused Mr. Trout of ordering the killing of at least three other unarmed civilians,

Records show that two soldiers in the platoon, Lt. Donald Wood of Findlay, and Sgt. Gerald Bruner of Colon, Mich., tried to stop the atrocities but were transferred from the platoon after they complained to superiors.


During the 1968 Tet Offensive a South Vietnamese General was photographed shooting a prisoner of war on national TV. He shoot this unarmed Vet Cong POW. This was a war crime was broadcased on US Television and the photo of it was published in US national media, but the General was never brought to justice. His name is Ngugen Ngoc Loan and he is presently deceased. In the book, The Politics of Heroin, by Alfred W. McCoy, reports that this South Vietmanese General was major drug trafficker and that in Jun 71, at least 15% of the US soldiers serving in Vietnam were addicted to heroin.

In March 1969, over 5,000 South Vietnamese, noncombatant, civilians of the town of Kein Hoa were killed by US Army, 9th Infantry Division and US Air force bombing.

----During 1969 and 1970, the CIA used futuristic weather modification technology to ravage Cuba's sugar crop. Planes from the China Lake Naval Weapons Center in the California desert overflew the island, seeding rain clouds with crystals that precipitated torrential rains and killer flash floods over non-agricultural areas and left the cane fields arid. In 1971 the CIA supplied Cuban exiles with a virus that causes African swine fever. Six weeks later, an outbreak of the disease in Cuba forced the slaughter of 500,000 pigs to prevent a nation-wide animal epidemic. ----

In 1971, I (Dick McManus) was in the US Army, stationed in Quin Yon, South Vietnam and I saw GIs buying heroin from Vietnamese children and there were many soldiers in my barracks who became a heroin addict. A retired DEA Agent, Michael Levine told me he saw heroin being shipped in bodies by the CIA. Agent Levine was working undercover in Thailand for the DEA at the time. When he tired to report this, his report on this drug trafficking was covered up by CIA. I have another source who was in the US Marine Corps in New Jersey. His job was to off-load the wounded and dead who had been flown home from Vietnam. He told me that on one occasion a body bag tore open, and out fell baggies containing a white power (possibly heroin). It is a war crime to trafffick in illegal drugs during a war.

COL. Lansdale (US Army) reported to the US Secretary of State at the time, that high South Vietnamese officials were trafficking in drugs, should be charged with a violation (war crime during wartime) of the Geneva Convention (the agreement to fight international drug trafficking). (The Politics of Heroin.) COL Lansdale also wrote a military history of Vietnam wherein he noted South Vietnamese torture of POWs. Lansdale was also a CIA Officer who conducted covert operations in Vietnam from 1954-1958. The CIA backed Ngo Dinh Diem who land reform and poverty reduction measures.

Colin Powell, recounted in his widely praised bestseller, My American Journey. Powell explained the routine practice of murdering unarmed male Vietnamese. He wrote, "I recall a phrase we used in the field, MAM, for military-age male," Powell wrote. "If a helo spotted a peasant in black pajamas who looked remotely suspicious, a possible MAM, the pilot would circle and fire in front of him. If he moved, his movement was judged evidence of hostile intent, and the next burst was not in front, but at him.


Kissinger: The Making of a War Criminal

Answering to no one but himself - a commandeering of authority forbidden under the constitution - Kissinger (as a private US citizen) personally went to the North Vietnamese ambassador and pressed him into holding off peace negotiations until after the 1972 election.

In 1970, egged on by Kissinger and without consulting Congress, Nixon bombed Cambodia - an act considered illegal by any standards - claiming tens of thousands of innocent civilian lives. For nearly three years, Kissinger made no serious effort to shorten the bloody war, prolonging it purely for political gain.

The "official transcripts" of the Paris Peace Accords negotiations, were flagrantly falsified by Kissinger to make him appear exactly as he wished to appear to the American public.

In 1970, during the 60-day waiting period between the election of Salvador Allende in Chile and his assumption of power, Kissinger engineered the murders of General Schneider and Allende. It can now be documented that Kissinger not only directly commissioned the deed, he organized its execution, shipped the weapons to the assassins, and then paid the murders - $35,000 was paid specifically to the murderers of Schneider. This murder of the leader of a country that posed no threat to the U.S. in any way, ended Chile's proud 46-year history of constitutional government.

Source: "Harpers" magazine, Hitchens exposes Kissinger in a stunning article entitled "The Case Against Henry" http://www.democratscom/view.cfm?id=1566


During the early 1970s, a massive clandestine U.S. government operation that was going, called Operation Condor. Ceated in the 1970s ,members were Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Brazil, later joined by Peru
and Ecuador. Operation Condor was a covert intelligence and operations system that enabled the Latin American military states to hunt down, seize, and execute political opponents across borders. Refugees fleeing military coups and repression in their own countries were "disappeared" in combined transnational operations. The militaries defied international law and traditions of political sanctuary to carry out their ferocious anticommunist crusade.


Terry Reed wrote in his book COMPROMISE (page 22), that in mid-May 1970, the US bombed our own American POWs that were held captive in Laos in POW camps. The North Vietnamese placed these POW camps next to a gas pipeline leading to South Vietnam in the hope the US wouldn’t bomb their own POWs. The US changed its no-bombing policy (lifted a fail-safe zone around these POW camps) and bombed these areas to prevent what US military leaders believed was a coming Tet- type offensive by the North Vietnamese. Terry Reed was a Sergeant and worked in a Top Secret US Air Force unit that directed US bombing. Reed, Cpt Laurence J Zimmerman, CPT James D. Turinetti, and Col Harold A. Bells witnessed this act and at the time protested this action by our government.


Former Pres.Nixon brought a squad of a dozen Cuban-American assets of the CIA up from Miami to beat up Daniel Ellsberg or kill him ("incapacitate Daniel Ellsberg totally") on May 3rd, 1973 on the steps of the Capitol.


In the book, SPITE HOUSE., former Marine Col Tom McKenny tells how over 100 alleged US defectors and/or US POWs were assassinated killed by US hunter-killer sniper Teams. The book also tell about how over 300 additional US POWs were assassinated even after the last US troops had been pulled out of Vietnam (1975). Lists of those to be killed were provided by the CIA to Special Forces hunter-killer teams. These Teams dressed up to look like North Vietnamese (a war crime). Col McKenny was a leader of the Marine Corp’s Teams. This book also talks about how the US Army falsely accused and framed one x-POW.


US government cover-up of the fact that US Vietnam POW/MIAs were left behind in Southeast Asia and this cover-up is linked to trafficking in drugs and guns by the CIA and/or private US persons/ organizations with ties to the US intelligence and military. A great deal of pressure was placed on 60 minutes TV news executive and others to keep this story from coming to the attention of the American public. Source: Kiss the Boys Goodbye, by Monika and Bill Stevenson.


Rome - An Italian secret service general said on Friday that the CIA gave its tacit approval to a series of bombings in Italy in the 1970s to sow instability and keep communists from taking power. "We cannot say that the CIA had an active and direct role in the bombings, but it is true that they knew the targets and culprits," General Gianadelio Maletti told la Republica newspaper in an interview from Johannesburg, where the former spy is in self-imposed exile.

Maletti said the military secret service division he headed in the 1970s found out explosives were being sent from Germany to the Italian neo-fascist paramilitary group Ordine Nuovo (New Order). Three Ordine Nuovo members were charged with the bombing of Milan's Piazza Fontana in 1969, which killed 16 people. Maletti said the explosives' discovery had been reported to his superiors but nothing happened. The Piazza Fontana bombing is one of the many unsolved crimes which plagued Italy during the height of bloody urban guerrilla activity from the late 1960s to early 1980s.

Italian secret services and the CIA were alleged to have colluded in a strategy to keep Italy's increasingly popular Communist Party at bay and the conservative Christian Democrats in power by sowing terror and instability in Italy. The spy networks were alleged to have supported extreme-right activities and turned a blind eye to killings by extreme-left groups, thereby encouraging the climate of fear.

"The CIA wanted, through the birth of an extreme nationalism and the contribution of the far right, particularly Ordine Nuovo, to stop(Italy) sliding to the left," he said. Maletti said Italian secret agents were largely aware of what was going on. Top politicians also knew, he said, but felt it better to look the other way. "It is obvious they knew, even though there will never be enoughevidence to make a conviction stick...The real blame...lies in the fact that no one (top politician) took any action," Maletti, on the run over various charges in Italy, including allowing two neo-fascist suspects to flee the country, spoke out following the 20th anniversary of the Bologna railway station bombing, which killed 85 people and injured 200 others.Prime Minister Giuliano Amato said at a Bologna bombing commemoration on Wednesday he felt "humiliated" by the state'scomplicity with the crimes committed in those years and by its failure to punish those responsible. Source: Reuters August 4, 2000: Ex-Spy Alleges CIA Endorsed Italy Bombings in 1970s.


In 1971 the CIA supplied Cuban exiles with a virus that causes African swine fever. Six weeks later, an outbreak of the disease in Cuba forced the slaughter of 500,000 pigs to prevent a nation-wide animal epidemic.


OPEC oil embargo of Oct 1973

CIA lied to Pres Carter and told him there was an oil shortage and that the Soviets would have to invade the middle East to get oil. The plan was to change Pres. Carter's mind about increasing defense spending and for him to give military aid to Arab countries hostile to Israel. During Pres.Carter's term, the oil shortage was engineered by US oil companies. (Source: Loftus, John The Secret War Against the Jews, New York: St Martin’s Press)

The OPEC oil embargo October 17, 1973 Arab oil ministers announced an oil embargo on the United States, while increasing prices by 70 percent to western Europe. In fact, the embargo never actually achieved a shutoff of OPEC oil imports to the United States. All but about five percent of the need supply found its way to America by a circuitous route as allocations to other nations were surreptitiously redirected. But the base price of a barrel of oil did eventually more than quadruple by the time the embargo was called off in March 1974. (page 46)*

Why did the price of oil go up? Well, in August 1971, President Nixon closed the gold window after the British ambassador formally requested $3 billion in gold bullion from the US Treasury. This effectively detached the dollar from anything but an abstract notion of its value. As the price of gold went up to $140 from its historic $35 an ounce (from the FDR days), foreign oil producers, especially Arabs spooked by the dissociation of money from gold, sought to raise the dollar price of their oil. *(Source: page 218, The Long Emergency by James Kunstler)


The Carter Administration sought desperately to keep Somoza's National Guard in power after it had slaughtered some 40,000 civilians, finally evacuating commanders in planes disguised with Red Cross markings (a war crime), to Honduras, where they were reconstituted under the direction of Argentine neo-Nazis.


In 1978, Congress passed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to try to stop electronic surveillance of US citizens by American Intelligence. This act, however, did not cover British wiretapping of Americans using US equipment at National Security Agency sites and then passing on information about American back to the US intelligence agencies. For the past fifty years, British Intelligence has been allowed to wiretap Americans without warrants and then pass information back to American intelligence or the FBI. Also the American have provided the same service to British Intelligence, allowing Americans intelligence to wiretap their citizens from within Great Britain without warrants.(Source: Loftus, John The Secret War Against the Jews, New York: St Martin’s Press)

See more detail below :


Pres. Reagan in 1981 installed a highly compartmentalized organization separate from his National Security Council. He signed a top secret National Security Decision Directive #3 which established a new intelligence organization headed by VP Bush resulting in a separate spy agency within the White House. This group was formed to set up a special mercenary unit (yes, you heard right) to "take hostages and rescue them" as an option against terrorists. The ideas was to kidnap or assassinate terrorists and/or their families. Pres. Carter had signed a order outlawing assassinations, you recall. Oliver North's boss in the Iran-Contra debacle was VP Bush, the head of this White House covert action group. (Source: Loftus, John The Secret War Against the Jews, New York: St Martin’s Press, p. 49).


During his Hawaiian exile, Marcos declared that he had given Reagan $4 million in 1980 and $8 million in 1984.

"Documentary evidence surfaced after Marcos was ousted by a revolution in March 1986. As Marcos's fall neared, Reagan arranged for the dictator to be flown to Hawaii. Marcos's opponents then ransacked government files and found a Feb. 17, 1986, letter signed by a senior Marcos aide, Victor Nituda."In the letter, according to Parry, Nituda warned Marcos that Reagan's emissary, Senator Paul Laxalt demanded that "sensitive files, including ones listing the 1980 transactions, be turned over to the US before Marcos could go to Hawaii." Nituda's letter specifically cited accounts set up for Reagan and his 1980 campaign manager (and later CIA Director) William Casey, and that Laxalt demanded "all documents check-listed during his last visit or the deal for a Hawaiian exile is off." Laxalt also demanded files regarding bank loans and donations made to General John Singlaub, who was raising money for the Nicaraguan contra rebels.

(Sourcr: "Lost History: Marcos, Money & Treason," investigative reporter Robert Parry)


In the book, Unreliable Sources , page 283, it is mentioned that a Cuban who worked for the CIA during the Bay of Pigs thing, and he also worked for the Contra in El Salvador with the knowledge of "US Government agents". This Cuban terrorist, Luis Posada is accused of bombing a Cabaña Air Lines and killing 72 civilians. This guy is charged with this crime by many countries.


The declassified version of Volume II of the CIA Inspector General's Report states that the CIA engaged in a conspiracy to protect known narcotics traffickers throughout the Contra war years. CIA admits dealing with more than fifty traffickers, failing to inform Congress for years and engaging in an apparent conspiracy to protect major narcotics traffickers. Oliver North is exposed.

CIA's took $36,800 in drng money seized by the San Francisco police and returning it to contra drug smugglers.


Unreliable Sources, discusses a disinformation operation of the CIA in which the CIA spread a false story about Yellow Rain to mislead the American public, the AMERICAN PUBLIC! I don't know if you remember reading about this, some kind of a mycrotoxin, found in the jungles of Southeast Asia reportedly Soviet germ warfare. The plan was to get support for more defense spending.

-----Reagon Administration Counter-left wing groups operations:

During the Reagan administration, there were revelations of a major FBI spying campaign that initially targeted the anti-intervention group Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) and soon grew to encompass a hundred other organizations, including the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (founded by Martin Luther King Jr.), National Council of Churches, United Auto Workers, and the Women's Rape Crisis Center in Norfolk, Virginia. Yet when FBI officials claimed the surveillance of CISPES was an aberration attributable to a few rogue agents, the newspapers of record accepted this explanation at face value, despite a long history of FBI corruption and political sabotage.

A New York Times editorial stated that the FBI's probe of CISPES "seems to have begun prudently enough [but] some agents and supervisors lost their direction." The probe "went astray," the editorial concluded, even though a Times news story had reported a week earlier that then-FBI-director William Webster personally overruled local field agents who sought to terminate surveillance of peace groups in their area. Source: Unreliable Sources, p124.


In the book titled, Blank Check, by Tim Weiner. In this book is describe a US Army, covert operation, the Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) ISA was started in 1981 thru about 86, the Army tasked some 300 military intelligence officers to this operation and was unable to account for over $300 million of money NOT APPROVED BY CONGRESS that was spent by ISA or who know what. Only three officers were tried and sent to jail. Files were shredded.


In 1985, a CIA really sponsor the car bombing to kill one sheikh Fadlallah in Beirut; 80 people were killed in the explosion, the sheikh not being among their number. In the book published, Rogue State, A Guide to the World's Only Superpower, by William Blum, lists some interesting facts about past US war crimes and human rights violations. He also list several war criminals that US is allowing to live in our Country without bring them to trial.


In 1985, Vice President Bush authorized the FBI to expand its covert electronic surveillance operation,SCOPE whose purpose was to compile list of Jews in government, research, and institutional leadership (positions). Source: Loftus, John The Secret War Against the Jews, New York: St Martin’s Press pgs. 181-196.


Grenada: Reagan lied A minority of hard core Marxist-Leninists led a military coup on October 19, 1983 and placed leading moderates socialists under arrest. In response, there was a nationwide general strike and other protests. When a crowd of Bishop supporters liberated the ousted prime minister Maurice Bishop and his allies from prison, army troops massacred dozens of protesters and executed Bishop and two other cabinet members.

The initial justifications for the invasion proved to be either highly debatable or demonstrably false.

President Reagan immediately implied that the Cubans were behind the coup and the killings. In reality, Cuban President Fidel Castro had condemned the coup and declared an official day of mourning for the late Prime Minister. Strongly worded cables from Havana underscored the Cuban government's concern, threatening a cessation of Cuban assistance and a declaration that Cuban forces on the island would fire only in self-defense

The major justification for the invasion was the protection of American lives. Reagan administration officials falsely claimed that the islands only operating airport was closed, offering the students no escape. In reality, scores of people left the island on charter flights the day before the U.S. invasion, noting that there was not even a visible military presence at the airport and that customs procedures were normal. Regularly scheduled flights as well as sea links from neighboring Caribbean islands had ceased as of October 21, however, though this came as a direct result of pressure placed on these governments to do so by U.S. officials.

Apparently, by limiting the ability of Americans who wished to depart from leaving, the Reagan administration could then use their continued presence on the troubled island as an excuse to invade. The Reagan administration admitted that no significant non-military means of evacuating Americans was actively considered.

The 800 American students at the U.S.-run St. Georges University School of Medicine were never actually in any danger prior to the invasion itself. Grenadan and Cuban officials had met only days earlier with administrators of the American medical school and guaranteed the students safety. Staff members from the U.S. embassy in Barbados visited Grenada and saw no need to evacuate the students.

The medical schools chancellor, Charles Modica, polled students and found that 90% did not want to be evacuated.

The U.S. media focused great attention on the students who were first evacuated, however, virtually no attention was given to those who stayed behind. There were no confirmed reports of any American civilians harmed or threatened before or during the invasion. It was three days after U.S. troops initially landed before they decided to take control of the second medical school campus, raising questions as to whether the safety of Americans was really the foremost priority.

A second major justification for the invasion was the reported Cuban military buildup on the island. President Reagan claimed that U.S. troops found six warehouses "stacked to the ceiling" with weapons that were earmarked for Cuban military intervention in Central America and Africa. In reality, there were only three warehouses that were only one-quarter full of antiquated small arms that had been confiscated a few days earlier by the coup leaders from the popular militias.

A major concern for the Reagan administration was an airport under construction on the southern tip of the island at Port Salines, near the capital of St. George's. President Reagan repeatedly charged that it was to be a Soviet/Cuban air base. However, it has since been acknowledged that its sole purpose was for civilian airliners. Like other Caribbean islands, the tourist industry is an important source of income.

While many of the new airport's construction workers were Cuban, the contractor was Plessey, a British firm underwritten by Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's government.

A third major pretext cited for the U.S. invasion was a request for intervention by the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), the charter of which allows for "arrangements for collective security against external aggression." However, since Grenada was a member of the OECS, there was no external aggression. The article stipulates that decisions for such actions must be unanimous among member states, which was not the case, since Grenada, St. Kitts-Nevis, and Montserrat did not support it.

The U.S. assault was resisted almost exclusively Grenadans. Many observers speculate that this was the primary reason for the refusal by the Reagan administration to allow media access to the island during the initial phases of the invasion when most of the fighting took place. The U.S. estimates that only about 35 Cubans died, but has never released Grenadan casualty figures. Less than 100 of the 750 Cubans on the island were military personnel.

The current center-right government, for example, has engaged in some major irregularities in awarding contracts for public works projects to foreign investors with criminal ties and has set up offshore banking operations with little oversight.

//// In his race for the Senate in Connecticut, Joseph Lieberman attacked his Republican opponent incumbent, Senator Lowell Weiker, for having raised Constitutional objections to the invasion of Grenada.///



In 1989, twenty thousand American soldiers invaded Panama. Some of them were from my former unit, 3d Bde (-), 7th Inf Div (L). During the US attack on Panama, there were 23 Americans soldiers killed and 322 wounded and several hundred Panamanian civilians were killed and wounded.

The goal of this invasion was to arrest Gen. Manual Antonio Noriega and shut down his drug trafficking and money launderering operations. Noriega was using the banks in Panama to launderer billion of dollars for the Columbian drug cartels and allowed drug traffickers to refuel their drug airplanes in Panama. Yet in Dec 98, Noriega appealed his 40-year prison sentence. In March of 1999, Noriega's jail sentence was slashed from 40 years to 10 years, making him eligible for parole in less than a year. During this appeal, Donald Winters, a former CIA Chief of Station in Panama testified that Noriega should be given a break. Also Former US Ambassador to Panama, Arthur Davis testified on Noriega's behave

President Bush's replacement for Noriega, Guillermo Endara, was a director and secretary of Banco Interoceánico, targeted by both the FBI and DEA as a major money laundry for both the Cali and Medellín cocaine cartels.As Senator Carl Levin summarizes the record: "Estimates are that $500 billion to $1 trillion of international criminal proceeds are moved internationally and deposited into bank accounts annually. It is estimated that half of that money comes to the United States".


CIA/DOD used KLA terrorist as a proxy force in Kosovo Albanian oil
From 1992-95 the Pentagon assisted the movement of thousandsof Islamic fighters from central Asia to fight alongside Bosnian Muslims and remove the Milosevic barrier, and so extend US influence in a key area of oil geopolitics -- a "pact with the devil", as Richard Holbrooke, America's former chief Balkans peace negotiator put it.

The 78-day bombing of Yugoslavia in the spring of 1999, directed by the US general Wesley Clark, was said to be
stopping an alleged "genocide" by the Serbs in Kosovo (some 2,000 bodies were later exhumed). The US goal was to assist the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). Yet the year before, the US state department had branded the KLA a terrorist organisation, financing its operations from the heroin trade and funds from Islamic countries and
individuals, including Osama bin Laden.

As James Bissett, the former Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia, has subsequently reported: "This did not stop
the US from arming and training KLA members in Albania and sending them back into Kosovo to assassinate Serbian mayors, ambush Serbian policemen and intimidate hesitant Kosovo Albanians ... Despite a UN arms embargo, and with the support of the US, arms, ammunition and thousands of fighters were smuggled into Bosnia to help the Muslims ... Bin Laden and his network were also active in Kosovo, and KLA members trained in his camps in Afghanistan and Albania." According to reports in April 1999, assistance was also provided by Britain's SAS.

Through much of the 1990s, US support for Islamic militants in former Yugoslavia was backed up by covert US airdrops of arms, especially at Tuzla in northern Bosnia. These took place in the face of Operation Deny Flight, the UN-imposed and Nato-policed no-fly zone over Bosnia.

But the airdrops were only the tip of the iceberg. Retired US officers heading Military Professional Resources Inc, a private paramilitary firm based in Virginia, planned the bloody Croatian "liberation" of the Serb-held Krajina
enclave, which resulted in the ethnic cleansing of Serbs. The US Congress also failed to authorise the war under the War Powers Act, making it illegal.,3604,1179206,00.html

New Iraqi Prime minister was a terrorist for the CIA

Dr. Iyad Allawi, now the designated prime minister of Iraq, ran an exile organization intent on deposing Saddam Hussein that sent agents into Baghdad in the early 1990's to plant bombs and sabotage government facilities under the direction of the C.I.A.between 1992 and 1995, several former intelligence officials say. Dr. Allawi's group, the Iraqi National Accord, used car bombs and other explosive devices smuggled into Baghdad from northern Iraq,

The Iraqi government at the time claimed that the bombs, including one it said exploded in a movie theater, resulted in many civilian casualties. But whether the bombings actually killed any civilians could not be confirmed
because, as a former C.I.A. official said.

The former intelligence officials, while confirming C.I.A. involvement in the bombing campaign, would not say how, exactly, the agency had supported it.

Dr. Allawi is not believed to have ever spoken in public about the bombing campaign. But one Iraqi National Accord officer did. In 1996, Amneh al-Khadami, who described himself as the chief bomb maker for the Iraqi National Accord and as being based in Sulaimaniya, in northern Iraq, recorded a videotape in which he talked of the bombing campaign and complained that he was being shortchanged money and supplies. Two former intelligence officers confirmed the existence of the videotape.

Mr. Khadami, it added, also said he worried that the C.I.A. might view him as "too much the terrorist."
Source: NYTimes, NEW PREMIER,June 9, 2004

In Kenya in the 1950s, the British slaughtered an estimated 10,000 Kenyans and ran concentration camps where the conditions were so harsh that 402 inmates died in just one month. Torture, flogging and abuse of women and children were commonplace. "The special prisons," wrote the imperial historian V.G. Kiernan, "were probably as bad as any similar Nazi or Japanese establishments." Source: Howard Zinn, A people's History of the US

'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man'

The two “international financial institutions” (IFI’s) were founded in 1945 during the genesis of the United Nations as “do-good” enterprises. The IMF would assist countries trying to keep their currencies tied to the dollar under the terms of the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement. The World Bank would lend money at low interest rates gathered from the rich countries to help poor countries get off their backs.

Over the years, the process has been corrupted, with both the IMF and World Bank becoming controlled by the multinational corporations and their banks. When President Nixon went off the gold standard in 1971, the IMF’s reason for existence evaporated, because Bretton Woods and the fixed dollar went up in smoke. Now the problem for the big banks like Chase Manhattan, Citicorp and the Bank of America became two-fold:

1) As surplus dollars accumulated in their reserves and there were no credit-worthy Americans wanting to borrow, the banks had to think of ways to lend the money abroad or it would sit in their vaults earning zip, which means it really is losing money as the paper dollar – freed from its gold anchor – was inflating and losing purchasing power. Citigroup’s Walter Wriston (who died last week) came up with the idea that the surplus should be loaned to poor countries, even though they had no collateral, because governments had to pay off their hard-currency loans or lose their international credit ratings.

2) If the countries that borrowed from Chase or Citicorp could not pay back interest or principle and did not worry about stiffing the private bankers, they would have to swallow the non-performing loans. The solution was to have the IMF, looking for something to justify its existence, step in to collect the debt. All it had to do was persuade the U.S. Congress to ante up billion or two of taxpayer dollars to fill their coffers (and “replenish” them from time to time). They could then go to the deadbeat country and say, “We will give you this money so you can pay Chase and Citicorp what you owe them, but you will have to raise taxes on your own people and devalue your currency as the conditions for the loan!

JOHN PERKINS: Basically what we were trained to do and what our job is to do is to build up the American empire. To bring – to create situations where as many resources as possible flow into this country, to our corporations, and our government, and in fact we’ve been very successful. We’ve built the largest empire in the history of the world. It's been done over the last 50 years since World War II with very little military might, actually. It's only in rare instances like Iraq where the military comes in as a last resort. This empire, unlike any other in the history of the world, has been built primarily through economic manipulation, through cheating, through fraud, through seducing people into our way of life, through the economic hit men. I was very much a part of that.

AMY GOODMAN: How did you become one? Who did you work for?

JOHN PERKINS: Well, I was initially recruited while I was in business school back in the late sixties by the National Security Agency, the nation's largest and least understood spy organization; but ultimately I worked for private corporations. The first real economic hit man was back in the early 1950's, Kermit Roosevelt, the grandson of Teddy, who overthrew of government of Iran, a democratically elected government, Mossadegh’s government who was Time's magazine person of the year; and he was so successful at doing this without any bloodshed – well, there was a little bloodshed, but no military intervention, just spending millions of dollars and replaced Mossadegh with the Shah of Iran. At that point, we understood that this idea of economic hit man was an extremely good one. We didn't have to worry about the threat of war with Russia when we did it this way. The problem with that was that Roosevelt was a C.I.A. agent. He was a government employee. Had he been caught, we would have been in a lot of trouble. It would have been very embarrassing. So, at that point, the decision was made to use organizations like the C.I.A. and the N.S.A. to recruit potential economic hit men like me and then send us to work for private consulting companies, engineering firms, construction companies, so that if we were caught, there would be no connection with the government.

AMY GOODMAN: Okay. Explain the company you worked for.

JOHN PERKINS: Well, the company I worked for was a company named Chas. T. Main in Boston, Massachusetts. We were about 2,000 employees, and I became its chief economist. I ended up having fifty people working for me. But my real job was deal-making. It was giving loans to other countries, huge loans, much bigger than they could possibly repay. One of the conditions of the loan – let's say a $1 billion to a country like Indonesia or Ecuador – and this country would then have to give ninety percent of that loan back to a U.S. company, or U.S. companies, to build the infrastructure – a Halliburton or a Bechtel. These were big ones. Those companies would then go in and build an electrical system or ports or highways, and these would basically serve just a few of the very wealthiest families in those countries. The poor people in those countries would be stuck ultimately with this amazing debt that they couldn’t possibly repay. A country today like Ecuador owes over fifty percent of its national budget just to pay down its debt. And it really can’t do it. So, we literally have them over a barrel. So, when we want more oil, we go to Ecuador and say, Look, you're not able to repay your debts, therefore give our oil companies your Amazon rain forest, which are filled with oil. And today we're going in and destroying Amazonian rain forests, forcing Ecuador to give them to us because they’ve accumulated all this debt. So we make this big loan, most of it comes back to the United States, the country is left with the debt plus lots of interest, and they basically become our servants, our slaves. It's an empire. There's no two ways about it. It’s a huge empire. It's been extremely successful.

AMY GOODMAN: You say because of bribes and other reason you didn't write this book for a long time. What do you mean? Who tried to bribe you, or who – what are the bribes you accepted?

JOHN PERKINS: Well, I accepted a half a million dollar bribe in the nineties not to write the book. ... From a major construction engineering company.

AMY GOODMAN: Which one?

JOHN PERKINS: Legally speaking, it wasn't – Stoner-Webster. Legally speaking it wasn't a bribe, it was – I was being paid as a consultant. This is all very legal. But I essentially did nothing. It was a very understood, as I explained in Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, that it was – I was – it was understood when I accepted this money as a consultant to them I wouldn't have to do much work, but I mustn't write any books about the subject, which they were aware that I was in the process of writing this book, which at the time I called “Conscience of an Economic Hit Man.”

AMY GOODMAN: We're talking to John Perkins. In your book, you talk about how you helped to implement a secret scheme that funneled billions of dollars of Saudi Arabian petrol dollars back into the U.S. economy, and that further cemented the intimate relationship between the House of Saud and successive U.S. administrations. Explain.

JOHN PERKINS: Yes, it was a fascinating time. I remember well, you're probably too young to remember, but I remember well in the early seventies how OPEC exercised this power it had, and cut back on oil supplies. We had cars lined up at gas stations. The country was afraid that it was facing another 1929-type of crash depression; and this was unacceptable. So, they – the Treasury Department hired me and a few other economic hit men. ... And, so, we went to Saudi Arabia in the early seventies. We knew Saudi Arabia was the key to dropping our dependency, or to controlling the situation. And we worked out this deal whereby the Royal House of Saud agreed to send most of their petro-dollars back to the United States and invest them in U.S. government securities. The Treasury Department would use the interest from these securities to hire U.S. companies to build Saudi Arabia new cities, new infrastructure which we’ve done. And the House of Saud would agree to maintain the price of oil within acceptable limits to us, which they’ve done all of these years, and we would agree to keep the House of Saud in power as long as they did this, which we’ve done, which is one of the reasons we went to war with Iraq in the first place. And in Iraq we tried to implement the same policy that was so successful in Saudi Arabia, but Saddam Hussein didn't buy.


JOHN PERKINS: Omar Torrijos, the President of Panama. Omar Torrijos had signed the Canal Treaty with Carter much – and, you know, it passed our congress by only one vote. It was a highly contended issue. And Torrijos then also went ahead and negotiated with the Japanese to build a sea-level canal. The Japanese wanted to finance and construct a sea-level canal in Panama. Torrijos talked to them about this which very much upset Bechtel Corporation, whose president was George Schultz and senior council was Casper Weinberger. When Carter was thrown out (and that’s an interesting story how that actually happened), when he lost the election, and Reagan came in and Schultz came in as Secretary of State from Bechtel, and Weinberger came from Bechtel to be Secretary of Defense, they were extremely angry at Torrijos – tried to get him to renegotiate the Canal Treaty and not to talk to the Japanese. He adamantly refused. He was a very principled man. He had his problem, but he was a very principled man. He was an amazing man, Torrijos. And so, he died in a fiery airplane crash, which was connected to a tape recorder with explosives in it, which – I was there. I had been working with him. I knew that we economic hit men had failed. I knew the jackals were closing in on him, and the next thing, his plane exploded with a tape recorder with a bomb in it. There's no question in my mind that it was C.I.A. sanctioned, and most – many Latin American investigators have come to the same conclusion. Of course, we never heard about that in our country.

Source: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, by John Perkins.

DETAILED Materials:


Top Secret Report of Army Pearl Harbor Board [October 20, 1944].

From Pearl Harbor Attack, Part 39, pp. 221-30.

Memo: To The Secretary of War:

The following is a brief discussion of the evidence and documents in the

possession of the Army Pearl Harbor Board, which for reasons of security

should not be incorporated in the General Report. The Secretary of War

is entirely familiar with this type of evidence and the Board is sure

concurs in its decision to treat it separately and as Top Secret.

1. General. Information from informers and other means as to the

activities of our potential enemy and their intentions in the

negotiations between the United States and Japan was in possession of

the State, War and Navy Departments in November and December of 1941.

Such agencies had a reasonably complete disclosure of the Japanese plans

and intentions, and were in a position to know what were the Japanese

potential moves that were scheduled by them against the United States.

Therefore, Washington was in possession of essential facts as to the

enemy's intentions.

This information showed clearly that war was inevitable and late in

November absolutely imminent. It clearly demonstrated the necessity for

resorting to every trading act possible to defer the ultimate day of

breach of relations to give the Army and Navy time to prepare for the

eventualities of war.

The messages actually sent to Hawaii by either the Army or Navy gave

only a small fraction of this information. No direction was given the

Hawaiian Department based upon this information except the "Do-Don't"

message of November 27, 1941. It would have been possible to have sent

safely information, ample for the purpose of orienting the commanders in

Hawaii, or positive directives could have been formulated to put the

Department on Alert Number 3.

This was not done.

Under the circumstances, where information has a vital bearing upon

actions to be taken by field commanders, and this information cannot be

disclosed by the War Department to its field commanders, it is incumbent

upon the War Department then to assume the responsibility for specific

directions to the theater commanders. This is an exception to the

admirable policy of the War Department of decentralized and complete

responsibility upon the competent field commanders.

Short got neither form of assistance from the War Department. The

disaster of Pearl Harbor would have been eliminated to the extent that

its defenses were available on December 7 if alerted in time. The

difference between alerting those defenses in time by a directive from

the War Department based upon this information and the failure to alert

them is a difference for which the War Department is responsible, wholly

aside from Short's responsibility in not himself having selected the

right alert.

The War Department had the information. All they had to do was either to

give it to Short or give him directions based upon it.

The details of this information follow:

2. Story of the Information as to the Japanese Actions and Intentions

from September to December 1941.

The record shows almost daily information as to the Japanese plans and

intentions during this period.

1. For instance, on November 24, it was learned that November 29 had

been fixed (Tokyo time) as the government date for Japanese offensive

military operations.

2. On November 26 there was received specific evidence of the Japanese'

intentions to wage offensive war against Great Britain and the United

States. War Department G-2 advised the Chief of Staff on November 26

that the Office of Naval Intelligence reported the concentration of

units of the Japanese fleet at an unknown port ready for offensive


3. On December 1 definite information came from three independent

sources that Japan was going to attack Great Britain and the United

States, but would maintain peace with Russia.

As Colonel Bratton summed it up:

"The picture that lay before all of our policy making and planning

officials, from the Secretary of State, the Secretary of War down to the

Chief of the War Plans Division, they all had the same picture; and it

was a picture that was being painted over a period of weeks if not


The culmination of this complete revelation of the Japanese intentions

as to war and the attack came on December 3 with information that

Japanese were destroying their codes and code machines. This was

construed by G-2 as meaning immediate war. All the information that the

War Department G-2 had was presented in one form or another to the

policy making and planning agencies of the government. These officials

included Secretary of State, Secretary of War, Chief of Staff, and Chief

of the War Plans Division. In most instances, copies of our

intelligence, in whatever form it was presented, were sent to the Office

of Naval Intelligence, to keep them abreast of our trend of thought.

Colonel Bratton on occasions had gone to the Chief of the War Plans

Division and to the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, and stood by while

they read the contents of these folders, in case they wished to question

him about any of it. Colonel Bratton testifies:

"I had an arrangement with Colonel Smith, Secretary to the General

Staff, how he could get me on the telephone at any time in case the

Chief of Staff wished to be briefed on any of them."

4. When the information on December 3 came as to the Japanese destroying

their codes and code machines, which was construed as certain war,

Colonel Bratton took the information to General Miles and General Gerow

and talked at length with both of them. General Gerow opposed sending

out any further warning to the overseas command. General Miles felt he

could not go over General Gerow's decision. Colonel Bratton then went to

see Commander McCullom of the Navy, Head of the Far Eastern Section in

ONI, and he concurred in Bratton's judgment that further warning should

be sent out because this action of the Japanese meant war almost

immediately. Colonel Bratton then returned after making arrangements

with McCullom and persuaded General Miles to send a message to G-2,

Hawaiian Department, instructing him to go to Commander Rochefort,

Office of Naval Intelligence, with the Fleet to have him secure from

Rochefort the same information which General Gerow would not permit to

be sent directly in a war warning message.

All of this important information which was supplied to higher authority

in the War Department, Navy Department, and State Department did not go

out to the field, with the possible exception of the general statements

in occasional messages which are shown in the Board's report. Only the

higher-ups in Washington secured this information. G-2 was prevented as

a matter of policy from giving out intelligence information of this sort

to G-2 in overseas departments. The Navy also objected to any of this

type of intelligence being sent by the Army without its authority.

The War Plans Division refused to act upon the recommendations of G-2.

Intelligence Bulletins were distributed giving this information. When G-

2 recommended, for instance, the occupation of the outer Aleutians ahead

of the Japanese, the War Plans Division took no action upon the estimate

and recommendation, with the result that we later had to fight two

costly campaigns to regain Attu and Kiska.

Captain Safford of the Communications Security Division in Naval

Operations, testified as to the type of information that was coming into

the Navy during November and December.

Tokyo informed Nomura on the 22nd of November that the 25th was the last

date they could permit him negotiations. On November 26th specific

information received from the Navy indicated that Japan intended to wage

offensive war against the United States. Nomura on the 26th said he

thought he had failed the Emperor and that his humiliation was complete,

evidently referring to the ultimatum delivered to him by the Secretary

of State.

Colonel Sadtler testified as to the information that was coming in as to

Japanese intentions in the fall of 1941, saying:

"The information began to assume rather serious proportions regarding

the tense and strained relations between the two countries, and the

number of messages about warnings of conditions that obtain in case of

hostilities really reached a climax around the middle of November, to

such an extent that we were of the opinion that there might be a

declaration of war between Japan and the United States on Sunday,

November 30. This, as you all know, proved to be a "dud," and on Monday,

December 1, if I recall the date correctly, messages that morning began

coming in from Tokyo telling the Consuls to destroy their codes and to

reply to Tokyo with one code word when they had so complied with their


The Japanese Embassy in Washington was advised to destroy their codes on

December 3.

3. The "Winds" Message.

Colonel Sadtler said that about November 20, a message was intercepted

by the Federal Communications Commission, to the effect that the

Japanese were notifying nationals of possible war with the United

States. The "winds" message was indicated in these instructions, which

would indicate whether the war would be with the United States, Russia,

or Great Britain, or any combination of them. The Federal Communications

Commission was asked to listen for such information.

On the morning of December 5, 1941, Admiral Noyes, Chief of Naval

Communications, called Colonel Sadtler at 9:30 saying, "Sadtler, the

message is in!" He did not know whether the particular message was the

one that meant war with the United States, but it meant war with either

the United States, Russia, or Great Britain. He immediately advised

General Miles and Colonel Bratton.

Sadtler was instructed to go back to Admiral Noyes to get the precise

wording used, but Admiral Noyes said that he was too busy with a

conference and he would have to attend to it later. Colonel Sadtler

protested that that would be too late. He reported back to General

Miles. He then went to see General Gerow, Head of the War Plans

Division, and suggested a message be sent to Hawaii. General Gerow said,

"No, that they had plenty of information in Hawaii." He then went to the

Secretary of the General Staff, Colonel Smith, and made the same

suggestion. When Smith learned that G-2 and the War Plans Division had

been talked to, he declined to discuss it further. It was about the 5th

or 6th of December that Tokyo notified the Japanese Embassy at

Washington to destroy their remaining codes. It was on December 5 that

Sadtler discussed this matter with General Gerow and Colonel Smith,

because as Sadtler said, "I was sure war was coming, and coming very


Colonel Bratton arranged on behalf of G-2 for monitoring of Japanese

weather broadcasts with the Federal Communications Commission. These

arrangements were made through Colonel Sadtler. Colonel Bratton

testified that no information reached him as to the break in relations

shown by the "winds" message prior to the Pearl Harbor disaster,

December 7, 1941, and he does not believe anybody else in G-2 received

any such information.

He conferred with Kramer and McCullom of the Navy. The message sent to

him by the Federal Communications Commission was not the message he was

looking for. Later he learned from the Navy about their monitoring

efforts in Hawaii and the Far East, and the fact that they would

probably secure the "winds" message sooner than he would in Washington.

That is the reason why he sent the message of December 5, to Fielder, G-

2, in Hawaii, to make contact with Commander Rochefort, to secure orally

information of this sort. A copy of this message has been produced in

the record showing that it was sent. Colonel Bratton and Colonel Sadtler

testified to the fact that their records showed that it was sent. But

Colonel Fielder said he got no such message. The Navy now admits having

received this "winds" activating message about December 6, but the War

Department files show no copy of such message.

From the naval point of view Captain Safford recites the story of the

"winds" message saying that Japan announced about the 26th of November

1941 that she would state her intentions in regard to war with Russia,

England, the Dutch, and the United States, by the "winds" message. On

November 28, 1941, the "winds" code was given. On December 3, 1941, the

Naval Attache at Batavia gave another version of the "winds" code. All

three of these messages indicated the probability of the breaking off of

relations and offensive warfare by Japan against the United States or

the other nations mentioned.

On December 4, 1941, information was received through the Navy

Department which was sent to Captain Safford which contained the

Japanese "winds" message, "War with England, War with America, Peace

with Russia."

This original message has now disappeared from the Navy files and cannot

be found. It was in existence just after Pearl Harbor and was collected

with other messages for submission to the Roberts Commission. Copies

were in existence in various places but they have all disappeared.

Captain Safford testified [before the Army Board]:

"General RUSSELL. Have you helped or been active at all in this search

which has been made in the Naval Department to discover this original


"Captain SAFFORD. I have. As a last resort I requested copies of the

message repeatedly from 20G, and on the last occasion I asked the

officer in charge, who was Captain Stone, to stir his people up a little

harder and see if they couldn't make one more search and discover it.

And when Captain Stone discovered it couldn't be found, he called for

required written statements [from] anybody who might have any notice of

that; and though the written statements disclosed a lot of destruction

of other messages and things not messages, but the intercepts; not the

translations nothing ever came to light on that message, either the

carbon copy of the original incoming message, which should have been

filed with the work sheet, or of the translation. And one copy of the

translation should have been filed under the JD number, which I think is

7001, because that number is missing and unaccounted for, and that falls

very close to the proper date. It actually comes in with the 3rd, but

things sometimes got a little bit out as far as putting those numbers on

was concerned. And the other should be filed under the date and with the

translation. We had a double file.

"The last time I saw that message after the attack on Pearl Harbor about

the 15th of December, Admiral Noyes called for the assembling of all

important messages into one file, to show as evidence to the Roberts

Commission; and Kramer assembled them, and I checked them over for

completeness and to see that we strained out the unimportant ones; and

that "Winds" translation, the "Winds execute," was included in those. I

do not recall whether that ever came back or not. So far as I know, it

may even be with the original papers of the Roberts Commission. It never

came back that I know of, and we have never seen it since, and that is

the last I have seen of it.

"We also asked the people in the Army on several occasions if they could

run it down and give us a copy. We were trying to find out the exact

date of it and the exact wording of the message, to run this thing down

and not make the thing a question depending upon my memory or the memory

of Kramer or the memory of Murray, who do distinctly recall it."

* * * * * * * * *

"General RUSSELL. Well, now, let us talk cases.

"Captain SAFFORD. Yes sir.

"General RUSSELL. I want to know if over there in 20G you had a place

where you had 20G files of messages, and then over here some other place

you had a JD file which was separate and distinct from the one I have

just discussed.

"Captain SAFFORD. Yes, sir.

"General RUSSELL. But you had messages over there in the JD file?

"Captain SAFFORD. We had. Yes, sir; that is correct.

"General RUSSELL. And they were the same as the ones in the 20G file?

"Captain SAFFORD. Yes, sir, but they were in a different order.

"General RUSSELL. All right. Now, this message of December 4th, when it

went to the JD file, was given the number, according to your testimony,

of 7001?

"Captain SAFFORD. It probably was.

"General RUSSELL. You don't know that?

"Captain SAFFORD. Not to know; only circumstantial evidence.

"General RUSSELL. Well, is JD 7000 in that file now?

"Captain SAFFORD. JD 7000 is there, and 7002.

"General RUSSELL. But 7001 just isn't there?

"Captain SAFFORD. The whole file for the month of December 1941 is

present or accounted for except 7001.

"General RUSSELL. Now let us talk about 20G, which is some other place

in this office. Is this December 4th message the only one that is out of

those files?

"Captain SAFFORD. That is the only one that we looked for that we

couldn't find. It is possible that there will be others missing which we

haven't looked for, but we couldn't find that serial number. We looked

all through the month to make certain. That is the only one that is

missing or unaccounted for."

The radio station logs, showing the reception of the message, have been

destroyed, within the last year. Captain Safford testified that this

message, and everything else they got from November 12 on, was sent to

the White House by the Navy. It was a circulated copy that circulated to

the White House and to the Admirals of the Navy.

It is this message which the Army witnesses testified was never received

by the Army. It was a clear indication to the United States as early as

December 4. The vital nature of this message can be realized.

4. Account of the Delivery of the Long 14 Part Message; the Short

Implementing Message.

The first 13 parts of the long reply of the Japanese finally terminating

the relationships with the United States began to come in in translated

form from the Navy on the afternoons of December 6, and the 13 parts

were completed between 7:00 and 9:00 the evening of December 6. Colonel

Bratton, Chief of the Far Eastern Section of the Intelligence Branch of

War Department G-2; was the designated representative for receiving and

distributing to the Army and to the Secretary of State copies of

messages of this character received from the Navy. The Navy undertook to

deliver to the President and to its own organization copies of similar


Colonel Bratton delivered a copy of the first 13 parts between 9:00 and

10:30 p.m., December 6, as follows:

To Colonel Smith (now Lt. Gen. Smith) Secretary of the General Staff in

a locked bag to which General Marshall had the key. He told General

Smith that the bag so delivered to him contained very important papers

and General Marshall should be told at once so that he could unlock the

bag and see the contents.

To General Miles by handing the message to him, by discussing the

message with General Miles in his office and reading it in his presence.

He stated that General Miles did nothing about it as far as he knows.

This record shows no action by General Miles.

Thereafter he delivered a copy to Colonel Gailey, General Gerow's

executive in the War Plans Division.

He then took a copy and delivered it to the watch officer of the State

Department for the Secretary of State and did so between 10:00 and 10:30


Therefore, Colonel Bratton had completed his distribution by 10:30, had

urged Colonel Smith, Secretary to General Staff, to communicate with

General Marshall at once, and had discussed the matter with General

Miles after reading the message. This record shows no action on the part

of General Smith and none by General Miles. Apparently the Chief of

Staff was not advised of the situation until the following morning.

In the meantime, as the testimony of Captain Safford shows, the

following action was taken with the distribution of the same 13 parts of

the message by the Navy which clearly indicates its importance.

Captain Safford testifies that the first 13 parts came in on the

afternoon of December 6 and were translated to English and delivered to

the Army to Major Doud by 9 o'clock Saturday night, December 6. This

portion of the message was distributed as follows: Commander Kramer

consulted with the Director of Naval Intelligence, Admiral Wilkinson,

and was directed to go to the White House to deliver a copy. He then

delivered a copy to Admiral Wilkinson at his house. As the President was

engaged, Kramer gave a copy to the White House Aide, Admiral Beardall.

When Kramer reached Admiral Wilkinson's house he also gave a copy to

Admiral Turner, Director of War Plans. He delivered the final copy by

midnight to Admiral Ingersoll, who read it and initialed it. Admiral

Wilkinson phoned Admiral Stark, as did also Admiral Turner. Admiral

Stark ordered Kramer to be at his office at 9:00 Sunday morning. Kramer

came back to the Navy Department about 1 a.m. to see if part 14 had come

in, but it had not.

When part 14 did come in it was ready for delivery to the Army in

English by 7:15 a.m., December 7.

The net result was that no one took any action based upon the first 13

parts until the 14th part came in and the Army took no action on that

until between 11:30 and 12:00 on the morning of December 7, or about 13

hours after the first 13 parts came in which clearly indicated the

rupture of relations with the Japanese.

Nothing more was done with this clear warning in the first 13 parts of

the long message until the following events occurred.

Colonel Bratton received from a naval officer courier between 8:30 and

9:00 a.m. on the Sunday morning of December 7, the English translation

of the 14th part of the long message and the short message of the

Japanese directing the Ambassador to deliver the long message at 1 p.m.

on December 7 and to destroy their codes. Colonel Bratton immediately

called General Marshall's quarters at 9:00 a.m. General Marshall was out

horseback riding and he asked that he be sent for. General Marshall

called him back between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. General Marshall came into

his office at 11:25 a.m., of which there is a contemporaneous written

record maintained by Colonel Bratton. In the meantime, Colonel Bratton

called his Chief, General Miles, and reported what he had done. Neither

General Miles nor General Gerow were in their office on Sunday morning.

General Miles arrived at the same time as General Marshall at 11:25 a.m.

The Chief of Staff prepared a message to General Short and called

Admiral Stark, who said he was not sending any further warning but asked

General Marshall to inform the Navy in Hawaii through Short.

The answer to the following question on the record has not been supplied

this Board:

"Why were not the first 13 parts, which were considered important enough

by the Navy to be delivered to the President and every one of the

important Admirals of the Navy, delivered by the War Department officers

to the Chief of Staff, and his attention called to it so that he could

have taken some sort of action upon it?"

The only possible answer lies in the testimony that Colonel Smith,

Secretary to the General Staff was told about 9 p.m. December 6 that

there was an important document and that General Marshall should see it

right away. There is no proof that Colonel Smith did so act except that

from General Marshall, which shows that he was not advised of this

situation until the following morning when he received a message from

Colonel Bratton between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m., December 7.

The record shows that subordinate officers who were entrusted with this

information were so impressed with it that they strongly recommended

that definite action be taken.

5. Summary.

Now let us turn to the fateful period between November 27 and December

6, 1941. In this period numerous pieces of information came to our

State, War and Navy Departments in all of their top ranks indicating

precisely the intentions of the Japanese including the probable exact

hour and date of the attack.

When subordinate officers were prevented from sending this information

to the Hawaiian Department, by arrangement with their opposite numbers

in the Office of Naval Intelligence, upon learning that the Navy had

this information in Hawaii, an apparently innocuous telegram was

dispatched by G-2 to Colonel Fielder, G-2 in Hawaii, telling him to see

his opposite number in the Office of Naval Intelligence, Commander

Rochefort, to secure information from him of importance.

The story of the message of November 27 takes on a whole new aspect when

the facts are really known as to the background of knowledge in the War

Department of Japanese intentions. At the time the Chief of Staff

drafted the message of the 27th on the 26th, he knew everything that the

Japanese had been proposing between themselves for a long period of time

prior to that day, and knew their intentions with respect to the

prospects of war. The message of the 27th which he drafted in rough and

which was apparently submitted to the Joint Board of the Army and Navy,

therefore could have been cast in the clearest sort of language and

direction to the Hawaiian Department.

It was no surprise that the Japanese would reject the Ten points on

November 26; that course of events had been well pictured by complete

information of the conversations between the Japanese Government and its

representatives available to the Government of the United States.

To clinch this extraordinary situation we but have to look at the record

to see that the contents of the 13 parts of the Japanese final reply

were completely known in detail to the War Department, completely

translated and available in plain English, by not later than between 7

and 9 o'clock on the evening of December 6 or approximately [3:30 P.M.]

Honolulu time. This information was taken by the Officer in Charge of

the Far Eastern Section of G-2 of the War Department personally in a

locked bag to Colonel Bedell Smith, now Lt. Gen. Smith and Chief of

Staff to General Eisenhower, who was then Secretary to the General

Staff, and he was told that the message was of the most vital importance

to General Marshall. It was delivered also to G-2 General Miles, with

whom it was discussed and to the Executive, Colonel Gailey, of the War

Plans Division, each of whom was advised of the vital importance of this

information that showed that the hour had struck, and that war was at

hand. Before 10:30 o'clock that night, this same officer personally

delivered the same information to the Secretary of State's duty officer.

General Marshall was in Washington on December 6. This information, as

vital and important as it was, was not communicated to him on that date

by either Smith or Gerow, so far as this record shows. When the final

part 14 came in on the morning of December 7 and with it the short

message directing the long message be delivered to the Secretary of

State at 1 p.m., December 7, 1941 it was then that this same officer,

Colonel Bratton of G-2, took the initiative and went direct to General

Marshall, calling him at his quarters at Fort Myer and sending an

orderly to find him, where he was out horseback riding. When he finally

did reach him on the phone, General Marshall said he was coming to the

War Department. He met him at about 11:25 a.m., after which time the

message of December 7 was formulated by General Marshall in his own

handwriting. It failed to reach its destination due to sending it by

commercial Western Union RCA. It arrived several hours after the attack.

This brings us to the "winds" message. The "winds" message was one that

was to be inserted in the Japanese news and weather broadcasts and

repeated with a definite pattern of words, so as to indicate that war

would take place either with Great Britain, Russia, or the United

States, or all three.

The Federal Communications Commission was asked to be on the outlook for

these key words through their monitoring stations. Such information was

picked up by a monitoring station. This information was received and

translated on December 3, 1941, and the contents distributed to the same

high authority. The Navy received during the evening of December 3,

1941, this message, which when translated said, "War with the United

States, War with Britain, including the NEI, except peace with Russia."

Captain Safford said he first saw the "winds" message himself about 8

a.m., on Thursday, December 4, 1941. It had been received the previous

evening, according to handwriting on it by Commander Kramer, who had

been notified by the duty officer, Lt. (jg) Brotherhood, USNR, who was

the watch officer on the receipt of this message.

It was based upon the receipt of the message that Captain Safford

prepared five messages between 1200 and 1600 December 4, ordering the

destruction of cryptographic systems and secret and confidential papers

on the Asiatic stations. Captain McCullom of the Navy drafted a long

message to be sent to all outlying fleet and naval stations. This was

disapproved by higher naval authority. This message was confirmation to

Naval Intelligence and Navy Department Communications Intelligence Units

that war was definitely set.

This "winds execute" message has now disappeared from the Navy files and

cannot be found despite the extensive search for it. It was last seen by

Commander Safford about December 14, 1941, when he collected the papers

together with Commander Kramer and turned them over to the Director of

Naval Communication for use as evidence before the Roberts Commission.

There, therefore, can be no question that between the dates of December

4 and December 6, the imminence of war on the following Saturday and

Sunday, December 6 and 7, was clear-cut and definite.

Up to the morning of December 7, 1941, everything that the Japanese were

planning to do was known to the United States except the final message

instructing the Japanese Embassy to present the 14th part together with

the preceding 13 parts of the long message at one o'clock on December 7,

or the very hour and minute when bombs were falling on Pearl Harbor.

Transcribed and uploaded by:

Larry W. Jewell

* "The Secret War Against the Jews"
: * Authors: John Loftus and Mark Aarons

: *
: * In 1943 this resulted in the Britain-USA (Brusa) agreement to merge
: * the Communications Intelligence (COMINT) agencies of both governments.
: *
: * One of the little-known features of Brusa was that President Roosevelt
: * agreed that the two governments could spy on each others' citizens,
: * without search warrants, by establishing "listening posts" on each
: * others' territory.
: *
: * According to several of the "old spies" who worked in Communications
: * Intelligence, the NSA headquarters is also the chief British espionage
: * base in the United States. The presence of British wiretappers at the
: * keyboards of American eavesdropping computers is a closely guarded
: * secret, one that very few people in the intelligence community have
: * been aware of, but it is true.
: *
: * An American historian, David Kahn, first stumbled onto a corner of
: * the British connection in 1966, while writing his book The Codebreakers.
: *
: * One indication of just how sensitive this information is considered on
: * both sides of the Atlantic is the fact that Kahn's publishers in New
: * York and London were put under enormous pressure to censor a great deal
: * of the book. In the main, Kahn simply revealed the existence of the
: * liaison relationship, but when he wrote that the NSA and its British
: * equivalent, the Government Communications Headquarters, "exchange
: * personnel on a temporary basis", he had come too close to revealing
: * the truth.
: *
: * The U.S. government told Kahn to hide the existence of British
: * electronic spies from the American public. Kahn eventually agreed
: * to delete a few of the most sensitive paragraphs describing the
: * exchange of codes, techniques, and personnel with the British
: * government
: *
: * His innocuous few sentences threatened to disclose a larger truth.
: *
: * By the 1960s the "temporary" British personnel at Fort Meade had
: * become a permanent fixture. The British enjoyed continued access
: * to the greatest listening post in the world.
: *
: * The NSA is a giant vacuum cleaner. It sucks in every form of
: * electronic communication. from telephone calls to telegrams,
: * across the United States. The presence of British personnel
: * is essential for the American wiretappers to claim plausible
: * deniability.
: *
: * Here is how the game is played. The British liaison officer at
: * Fort Meade types the target list of "suspects" into the American
: * computer. The NSA sorts through its wiretaps and gives the
: * British officer the recording of any American citizen he wants.
: *
: * Since it is technically a *British* target of surveillance, no
: * *American* search warrant is necessary. The British officer then
: * simply hands the results over to his American liaison officer.
: *
: * Of course, the Americans provide the same service to the British
: * in return. All international and domestic telephone calls in Great
: * Britain are run through the NSA's station in the British Government
: * Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) at Menwith Hill, which allows
: * the American liaison officer to spy on any British citizen without
: * a warrant.
: *
: * According to our sources, this duplicitous, reciprocal arrangement
: * disguises the most massive, and illegal, domestic espionage apparatus
: * in the world. Not even the Soviets could touch the U.K.-U.S. intercept
: * technology.
: *
: * Through this charade, the intelligence services of each country can
: * claim they are not targeting their own citizens. This targeting is
: * done by an authorized foreign agent, the intelligence liaison
: * resident in Britain or the United States.
: *
: * Thus, in 1977, during an investigation by the House Government
: * Operations Committee, Admiral Inman could claim, with a straight face,
: * that "there are no U.S. Citizens now targeted by the NSA in the United
: * States or abroad, none."
: *
: * Since the targeting was done not by NSA but by employees of British
: * GCHQ, he was literally telling the truth.
: *
: * According to a former special agent of the FBI, the you-spy-on-mine,
: * I'll-spy-on-yours deal has been extended to other Western partners,
: * particularly Canada and Australia. The British, with the help of
: * sophisticated NSA computers, can bug just about anyone anywhere. The
: * electronic search for subversives continues, particularly in the U.S.
: *
: * The NSA conceded precisely that point when the U.S. Justice Department
: * investigated its wiretapping of American protesters during the Vietnam
: * War.
: *
: * The NSA assured the Justice Department that the information was
: * acquired only *incidentally* as part of a British GCHQ collection
: * program.
: *
: * The "incidental" British exception has become the rule.
: *
: * To this day Congress does not realize that the British liaison officers
: * at the NSA are still free to use American equipment to spy on American
: * citizens. And, in fact, they are doing just that. Congress has been kept
: * in the dark deliberately.
: *
: * This is a fact, not a matter of conjecture
: * or a conclusion based on anonymous sources.
: *
: * In the early 1980s, during the Reagan administration, one of the authors
: * of this book submitted to the intelligence community a draft of a
: * manuscript that briefly described the wiretap shell game and mentioned
: * the secrecy provisions concerning British liaison relationships with
: * the NSA have escaped congressional knowledge.
: *
: * The result was an uproar.
: *
: * The intelligence community insisted that all passages explaining the
: * British wiretap program had to be censored and provided a list of
: * specific deletions.

more detail about ECHELON


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