Thursday, February 26, 2009

Darwin's Only Error / Substituting Matter For Spirit

February 23, 2009 at 15:50:01

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Darwin's Only Error / Substituting Matter For Spirit

by Allen L Roland

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Picture of Charles Darwin
Courtesy of The Bettmann Archive

Charles Darwin's only error was substituting matter for spirit as the motivating force of nature and that spirit is the universal urge to unite as revealed in Teilhard De Chardin's law of Complexity-Consciousness : Allen L Roland

On the 200 year anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, his theory of evolution still clashes with the creationist beliefs of some organized religions.

A new Gallup poll shows that 39 percent of Americans believe in the theory of evolution. About a quarter of Americans say they don't believe in evolution, and 36 percent say they have no opinion.

However, all of these differences are mute if we see God as love, the ultimate life force, an evolutionary process with which we all participate as co-creators.

It is Teilhard De Chardin, the Jesuit priest, paleontologist and explorer of the soul, whose life's work was the reinterpretation of Christianity in the light of evolution, who stands impatiently at the summit of man's quest for the ultimate truth proclaiming to man that God is love ~ " If there were no real propensity to unite, even at a prodigiously rudimentary level, indeed, in the molecule itself, it would be physically impossible for love to appear higher up in the 'hominized' or human form. " ( The Phenomenon Of Man )

Darwin, to me, captured the "without" of evolution but completely missed the "within" of evolution or mainly the universal urge to unite.

It is Teilhard de Chardin who clearly reveals this urge to unite as a fundamental law of nature.

Teilhard used the term ' within ' to denote the psychic face or consciousness of matter ~ since the beginning of time ~ which reveals itself in its innate urge to unite.
Teilhard defines this innate urge to unite as an energy force in his famous Law Of Complexity - Consciousness . The law states two principles:
1. Throughout all time there has been an evolutionary
tendency for all matter to unite and become increasingly
complex in nature.
2. With each increase in material complexity, there is a
related rise in the consciousness of matter and an even
greater urge to unite.
Teilhard divided this fundamental energy into two distinct components ~ a Tangential energy which linked the element with all others of the same order and a Radial energy which represented the innate urge toward union and greater complexity as well as a leap in consciousness.
It is this Radial energy in matter, this deep urge towards
union and completion, which eventually manifests itself
as LOVE .
As such, Teilhard's Radial energy is one in the same with what I call a state of Soul Consciousness and The Unified Field. A state of love and soul consciousness that exists not only beyond time and space but also deepest within ourselves and beneath our deepest fears.
The principle property of this Unified Field is the universal urge to unite.
If we compare this with Darwin's evolutionary theory, Darwin's only error was to substitute matter for spirit as the motivating force of the Universe.
For it becomes increasingly clear, in light of this innate
urge to unite, that man is the product of an evolution of
love. From the pre-atomic stage in the depths of the primordial sea to his present ' hominized ' state ~ man is the product of a seemingly endless evolution within a loving plan of plurality, union and a resultant energy transformation into something more complex, more conscious and more loving.
No where is this more evident than in our own creation as
human beings.
In the August 1990 issue of Life Magazine, Linnart Nilsson created a sensation with the first photographs of how life begins.
From conception through life's earliest hours and days, these pictures are dramatic proof of our innate urge to unite and of Teilhard's Law of Complexity-Consciousness.
Nilsson clearly shows in his incredible photographs , a
remarkable sequence of events ;
Shortly after the head of the sperm has entered the ovum, we see two small bubbles filled with chromosomes floating around ~ one from the man and one from the woman.
Drawn inexorably toward each other ~ these nuclei begin to unite . The result of this union is a highly complex nucleus that contains the entire blueprint for a human being .
About 12 hours later, the cell splits into two and then splits again and again until it becomes more than 100 cells ( a Blastocyst ) and even more complex and conscious.
Then it begins its journey through the fallopian tube towards the uterus where it will unite or attach itself to the uterine wall and signal the woman ( from a place of greater complexity and consciousness ) that she is pregnant.
By the third trimester, we have reached such a degree of
complexity-consciousness that we have entered a
joyful and conscious state of soul consciousness and are
ready to be born .
Our task on this planet is to surrender to this same universal urge to unite and play our part in the great coming together of mankind ~ and it begins with each one of us surrendering to love, social cooperation and altruism versus hatred, separation and greed.
Richard Leakey wrote in " The beginnings of mankind " that there was very little evidence of violence and aggression in early mankind with considerable evidence of social cooperation and altruism as the deciding factors in evolution.
Scientific American said virtually the same thing in its issue The Arithmetic's of Mutual Help ( June 1995 ) where it shared how computer experiments show how cooperation rather than exploitation can dominate in the Darwinian struggle for survival . The article by Martin Nowak, Robert May and Karl Sigmund seems to reinforce Teilhard's Law of Complexity-Consciousness ~ "Throughout the evolutionary history of life, cooperation among smaller units led to the emergence of more complex structures as, for example, the emergence of multicellular creatures from single-celled organisms. In this sense, cooperation becomes as essential for evolution as is competition."
They conclude by saying ~ " In the course of evolution, there appears to have been ample opportunity for cooperation to have assisted everything from humans to molecules. In a sense, cooperation could be older than life itself. "
And what else could be older than life itself than love, the universal urge to unite ~ or the Unified Field .
Could this universal and evolutionary urge to unite also be the long sought for Unified Field ~ within which all the forces of nature would be but a condition of state ?
David Filkin writes in STEPHEN HAWKING'S UNIVERSE of the same desire for a single field ~ a Theory of Everything ;
" There needs to be , therefore, a quantum theory of gravity which links the way we understand gravity in General Relativity with the ideas of wave-particle duality and the Uncertainty Principle at the heart of quantum mechanics . This would, in effect be the " theory of everything " which the string theorists have been
looking for ....... Hawking had to find a way for gravity to be subject to quantum laws; and no one has yet come up with a satisfactory quantum theory of gravity ... or a theory of everything to unite gravity and quantum mechanics."
In my Unified Field of love and soul consciousness ~ whose principle property is the universal urge to unite
gravity is a condition of state and subject to the same
urge to unite that exists not only in the physical world of planets and galaxies but also within the quantum world of atoms and molecules. This phenomenon is easily explainable particularly in light of Asymptotic freedom . See The Big Bang and Asymptotic Freedom ~
Thus, we are rapidly reaching the point in our evolution of consciousness where psychology, science and religion are all becoming aware of the growing need for a radical empiricism ~ or a deeper and more subjective way of experiencing things ~ which would include the universal urge to unite .
Charles Darwin himself was well aware of the role of cooperation in human evolution. In Descent of Man he wrote that "the small strength and speed of man, his want of natural weapons, & c., are more than counterbalanced by his. . .social qualities, which lead him to give and receive aid from his fellow-men."
Only his own consciousness kept him from this universal truth for Darwin's only error was substituting matter for spirit ~ which he may well have sensed, but not connected, in his love for his wife Emma Wedgwood.
Allen L Roland

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Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website more...)

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