Arianna Huffington: Bye-Bye 2008: Things I Want to Forget
Arianna Huffington: 2008 was a very memorable year, featuring one of the most unforgettable presidential campaigns in history. But with the New Year quickly approaching, and the Bush Years coming to an end, I'd like to take a moment to focus on the things that happened over the last twelve months that I'd love to forget. Here's my list: That Eliot Spitzer likes things "you might not think are safe." That Dick Cheney still doesn't believe waterboarding is torture. The tingle going up Chris Matthew's leg. Sarah Palin's belief that there is a "real America" and "pro-America areas" of America. That Alan Greenspan was "shocked" to realize the free market was fallible. Michael Phelps' caloric intake. Joe the Plumber. Read the rest of my list -- and add your suggestions -- here. Click here to read more.
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