Sunday, March 09, 2008

When Did We Become the Enemy?

March 3, 2008 at 11:13:42

Headlined on 3/3/08:
When Did We Become the Enemy?

by Marti Oakley Page 1 of 2 page(s)

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After watching the avalanche of infringements on our civil liberties since 9/11, I can only conclude that it is American citizens who have become a threat to “national security”. It is also apparent to me that what you or I think of as national security is not quite the same thing as the government’s perceptions. When we think of national security, it usually means protecting not only our nation, but our way of life, our constitution and bill of rights. How can dismantling the very things that have defined us be conducive to national security?

So what does national security mean to the government? It would seem that national security means protecting the government from the governed. And, protecting the self anointed elite from silly things like taxes, prosecution for wrong-doing, accountability and from having to affirm their allegiance to the US.

We have become the greatest threat to the status quo of those who believe they are more valuable than we are and therefore have superior rights and protections simply by virtue of who has the most money. It would appear that national security means oppressing those who lack obscene amounts of wealth. The laws we pass for some reason seem not to apply to these special citizens….these “nationals”.

Could it be these ultra wealthy individuals and their families that are referred to when the government speaks of “national security”?

Through the Military Commissions Act we lost the writ of habeas corpus…the right to due process and to know what we are charged with and the right to mount a defense. Now, just voicing an opposition to government policies can get you labeled as a “domestic terrorist”.

The John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007 reinforced this loss of due process and gave the president the right to deem any one of us as domestic combatants, solely on his deciding that we are. It also gave him the right to put our National Guards and Reserves under federal military control to use against us should he decide to.

These two pieces in particular gutted the Posse Commitatus Act that forbid the use of any standing army of the United States to be used against the citizens. And just this last week, General Renaurt AF, signed the Civil Assistance Plan with Canada that will allow the Canadian Military to be used against us on our own soil. We have similar agreements with Mexico and Germany among others. This assistance is needed in case we have a forest fire, earthquake, terrorist attack…..or civil revolt.

The “Protect America Act” S 1959 will make it an act of force and/or violence to rally, protest, or to gather in any way to try and change social, religious or political views. To do so would mean that you are now a “radical”. In the center of this unconstitutional bill is the groundwork for closing down entire sections of the internet. Supposedly, we are so stupid and gullible that we are being exposed to extremist propaganda on the net every day and we need to be protected from that.

As a person who spends hours every day on the net researching legislation among other things, and have done so for years, I have never once seen or been exposed to any propaganda from any extremists other than those in our own government.

Homeland Security now has the Infragard….a coalition of about 23,000 individuals from the business sector who have been deputized to “defend the infrastructure in their area”, and have the right to shoot to kill without fear of prosecution when (not if) martial law is declared. Infragard works directly with the FBI and reports “suspicious” activities by employees, neighbors, and others. And they are armed. Infragard is the new incarnation of “special forces”. So special in fact, that they are unaccountable even when taking a human life.

The FBI is building a database that now includes about 60 million people, and intends to continue doing this with an end objective of about 20 billion individual files. They also have a watch list data base with an estimated 300 thousand names on it of possible “suspects”. The FBI also identifies dissident groups or individuals and sends that information to the DoJ with instructions to prosecute as they see fit.

Our MSM routinely disregards demands for a new investigation or any information countering the “official” version of what they want us to know and actively promotes the disinformation spewed out by our government. Most egregious is the lack of truthful reporting on 9/11. Instead, those who question this unbelievable tale by the government about what happened that day are quickly relegated to the category of the lunatic fringe, or conspiracy theorists.

Personally, I believe the greatest conspiracy theory ever foisted on the public is the official explanation of 9/11. This conspiracy has laid the groundwork for the dismantling of our country. Multiple “agreements” and secret plans have been implemented with the threat of another attack if we object to losing our civil liberties or facilitating the sale of our infrastructure to foreign investors. The problem with this kind of acquiescence is that these “threats” seem to come only from our own government.

In the midst of all that our own government has done to destroy us as a nation, is the interference from the United Nations in an attempt to access not only our money, but also to gain recognized control over the United States. Recently, the UN voted to give itself the right to establish its own military…..conscripting many of our own soldiers against their will. This military would be for use anywhere in the world at the direction of the UN……even against us.

Obama’s “Global Poverty Tax” bill is on the floor of the senate now. It allows the United Nations to assess a tax of .07% on our GDP…amounting to billions and billions of dollars to be taken from US taxpayers supposedly to fight poverty in third world countries. Hidden in this piece of work is the intention to ban small arms….including hunting rifles and shotguns. It would also make US citizens subject to international law, rather than our own courts.

One of the most ardent intentions of the UN is to disarm the entire world’s population with the exception of the military and domestic law enforcement and has worked for several years to disarm the US in direct violation of our Constitutional rights. Our government appears intent on cooperating in this disarmament.

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Political activist. Former op-ed columnist for the St cloud Times in Minnesota. A member of the Times Writer's Group until I resigned in September of 07. Publisher of my own newsletter via email. The Proud Political Junkie's Gazette (PPJ) is now in 30 states and Canada. I am neither Democrat nor Republican. Neither party is representative of the American people. I say what I think, and mean what I say. I am known for being outspoken. I am hopeful that the American public will wake up to what is happening to our beloved country.......little of it is left.

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