Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Theo-cons talked openly about overthrowing our government on behalf of dick.mcmanus

I am reading a book about Blackwater. One thing I am learning is how the rapture right preachers and theo-cons have come out and talked openly about overthrowing our government.
Antonin Scalia stated, " Christian should not support a government that suppresses the faith or one that sanctions the taking of an innocent human life." (p. 30)
A Voter Guide for Serious Catholics promoted by Catholic Answers, a Catholic evangelical organization, listed the five "non-negotiable" issues that is said are never morally acceptable under Catholic teaching: abortion, homosexual marriage, embryonic stem-cell research, euthanasia, and human cloning. (p.18)
Chuck Colson said, "(A) 'social contract' that included biblical believers and Enlightenment rationalists was the basis of the founding of the United States...If the terms of our contract have in fact been broken, Christians citizens may be compelled to force the government (now under Clinton) to return to its original understanding....The writings of Thomas Jefferson, who spoke openly of the necessarity of revolution, could also be called upon for support."...."with fear and trembling I have begun to believe that, however Christians in America gather to reach their consensus, we are fast approaching this point." (p. 31)
James Dobson of Forcus on the Family wrote ..."The moral legitmacy of our current government (speaking of the election of Clinton) and the responsiblity of the Christian toward it are questions of tremendous moment." Dobson said the essays had "laid an indisputable case for the illegitmacy of the regime now passing inself off as a democracy, " adding, " I stand in a long tradition of Chistians who believe that rulers may forfeit their divine mandate when they systematically contravene the divine moral law...." (Blackwater, The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army by Jeremy Scahill, 2007, p. 31)
NOTE: Since when is our representative democracy a "regime."

Regime = firmness power authority

particular government: the government of a particular country, especially one that is considered to be oppressive

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