Sunday, March 09, 2008

Stand Up for the Women of the World

PopNews: Stand Up for the Women of the World -- Support the GROWTH Act

In honor of International Women's Day, March 8, take a minute to support a groundbreaking bill that has the potential to help lift millions of women in the developing world out of poverty. Call your members of Congress and ask them to co-sponsor the GROWTH Act (HR 2965/S 2069)!

The Global Resources and Opportunities for Women to Thrive Act(GROWTH) is an innovative bill that would shape U.S. assistance and trade policy to empower women living in poverty. It would help these women to start and grow their own businesses, as well as to gain access to land and property rights, help improve their working conditions, and ensure that the benefits of trade reach women and families living in poverty.

Gender equity and women's empowerment are critical components of sustainable development, economic growth, and environmental protection. In order to alleviate poverty and foster healthy communities, investing in women is paramount.

When women have access to economic opportunity, they are better able to affect community decisions and advocate on behalf of natural resource protection. The GROWTH Act would remove a range of barriers that prevent women from participating actively in their countries' economies, and promote economic opportunities for women living in poverty worldwide. If passed, it would make U.S. policy a driver of positive change for women around the world.

Call your Representative and ask him or her to co-sponsor the GROWTH Act (H.R.2965).

To find out who your Representative is go to Then call the Capitol switchboard at 1-866-340-9281 and ask the operator to connect you to your Representative's office.

Click here for a list of current co-sponsoring Representatives. If your Representative is already a co-sponsor, thank him or her for their leadership on this issue!

Call your Senators and ask them to co-sponsor the GROWTH Act (S.2069) To find out who your Senators are go to Then call the Capitol switchboard at 1-866-340-9281 and ask the operator to connect you to your Senators' office.

Click here for a list of current co-sponsoring Senators. If your Senators are already a co-sponsors, thank them for their leadership on this issue!

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