Thursday, March 13, 2008

Media Tenor’s Presidential Campaign Watch

Media Tenor’s Presidential Campaign Watch

  • Media trend: Clinton up, Obama down, but no clear media push for Clinton
  • End of ‘Obamania’: International TV news welcomes back Clinton
  • McCain has to start his second campaign: Communicate a convincing platform
  • New York, March 7, 2008: “The current U.S. media trend has changed: Clinton is up, Obama down. But you cannot say it’s momentum,” says Roland Schatz, President of Media Tenor International. Media Tenor data includes TV coverage until Thursday evening. The data shows a clear media push against Obama before the Tuesday primaries. “But it’s only a narrow lead at the end of the week,” Schatz points out. The data shows no clear ‘winner’ label for Clinton after the Texas and Ohio primaries.

    Even internationally the Texas and Ohio results changed the coverage as well: “Our data shows that the tone of Clinton coverage has clearly improved,” Schatz explains. Media Tenor is tracking U.S. coverage in 8 International TV news programs statement by statement, the current analysis includes data from February 1 to March 5. “In February ‘Obamania’ has clearly ended.”

    On the Republican side Senator McCain has to start his second campaign now and communicate a convincing platform. Media Tenor’s analysis of strength and weaknesses in his media image shows that positive evaluation primarily resulted from horse race coverage. “That’s good enough to win the nomination,” says Schatz, “but the hard part starts now.” In the last five weeks journalists raised concerns that McCain might be too liberal to convince republicans. He also rated negatively on foreign policy and economic issues when these aspects were mentioned. “That might be a problem for McCain when these issues return to the agenda,” Schatz added.

    Media trend has changed towards Clinton

    Media trend has changed: As Media Tenor data shows the tone of Clinton coverage is much more positive this week. But you cannot say it’s momentum, as the following data will show.

    ABC, NBC and CBS candidate coverage, 1/1 – 3/6/2008*: tone of coverage by weeks

    Basis: all statements by or on Clinton and Obama on ABC, CBS and NBC evening news programs 1/1 – 2/28/2008 (*individual newscasts missing)

    No clear ‘winner’ label for Clinton

    Data shows no clear ‘winner’ label for Clinton after the Texas and Ohio primaries. Three out of four newscasts rated Clinton only slightly better. On NBC the overall tone was even better when Obama was covered.

    ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox News* candidate coverage, 3/5 – 3/6/2008: Obama vs. Clinton

    Basis: all statements by or on Obama and Clinton on ABC, CBS and NBC and FOX evening news programs 3/5 – 3/6/2008 (* 3/6 show incomplete)

    Before Super Tuesday II: ABC focused on Rezko trial

    Coverage before the Tuesday primaries already showed mixed evaluations: As News-week and Time Magazine editions were in favor of Obama, ABC coverage of Obama was extremely negative, focusing on the Rezko trial.

    Newsweek, Time, ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox News candidate coverage, 3/3 – 3/4/2008: Obama vs. Clinton

    Basis: all statements by or on Obama and Clinton in these magazines and news casts 3/3 – 3/4/2008

    International TV welcomes back Clinton

    In February, International TV news had expected Barack Obama to win the Democratic nomination. In the beginning of March, the trend has changed. The tone of Clinton coverage was much more positive.

    International TV coverage of Obama and Clinton, 2/1 – 3/5/2008*

    Basis: all statements by or on Obama and Clinton in on 8 International evening news programs from 2/1 – 3/5/2008 (* individual newscasts missing)

    McCain’s second campaign: a convincing platform

    This chart shows the strength and weaknesses in McCain’s media image since the beginning of February – showing what might be a problem after the race is over: McCain needs a convincing platform.

    Newsweek, Time, ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox News candidate coverage, 2/1 – 3/6/2008: McCain

    Basis: a total of 4,726 statements by or on McCain in these magazines and news casts 3/3 – 3/6/2008

    To read the full Media Tenor election report in PDF format click here.

    For the third time, International Media analysis company Media Tenor is offering a detailed analysis of the U.S. presidential campaign. TV news coverage of the leading Presidential contenders is scrutinized at a detailed level. “The methodology was developed 15 years ago and has been successfully used not only to analyze the 2000 and 2004 U.S. Presidential campaigns, but also for International politics as well,” Schatz explains. Media Tenor’s Presidential Campaign Watch focuses not only on Candidate standings, but also on topics and sources, while adding on an international perspective. Results of Media Tenor studies will be regularly published on

    For further information visit:

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