Sunday, March 09, 2008

Consider Impeachment an Intervention

March 3, 2008 at 11:28:35

Consider Impeachment an Intervention

by Jay Farr Page 1 of 1 page(s)

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Here it is: Bush may be lots of things, may have done lots of things, but to use the business vernacular of the corporate boards who own him, he is not a closer.

The Money Mongers bet on the wrong boy. It wasn't enough to do brain (Rove) and spine (Dick) implants, W just couldn't get interested enough to grasp the "Big Picture" of a New American Century, or whatever it was.

Once the fun of shock and awe were done and Saddam was out, then dead, George W. lost interest. Kind of like, dare I mention it, Arbusto Oil. I heard somewhere that some of the less sympathetic local observers pronounced the Spanish word arbusto, (AR BOOS TOE) which means bush, as AR BUST OH, which is what happened to W's oil venture.

Did Bandar Bush close the Saudi "loans" deals for W? You bet. Later, as owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team, I understand he made a chunk of change. Yea! He must not have staffed or operated the franchise.

As governor of Texas he was groomed to move to the White House. That included putting into play a Texas mafia for Bush that would keep springing up all through two Presidential terms. Job one was to purge Texas National Guard of items deemed by Karl Rove to be impediments to George's new identity. Job two was to fill the government with Bushies and get re-elected.

In the White house, he grasped the 9/11 mandate and mangled it into a Neocon wet dream, conquest of the world and spreading Wal-mart. How's that one working out, George?

He started two wars we can't let go of, boosted membership in the Muslim fanatic suicide squads, bankrupted America to the tune of three trillion dollars, gave away America with lopsided trade deals, degraded American Armed Forces, lost or otherwise misplaced up to $30 Billion in cash and bullion, corrupted the American justice system, and killed our Constitutional guarantee of freedoms. What a legacy!

Will any of those accomplishments stand? Pray not.

He caused America to lose standing and trust throughout the world and set us up for a big fall at which time he and his ilk will employ the golden parachute, Uncle Sam style. At no time did he get anything right. Nothing he planned was completed successfully, and nothing that happened unexpectedly changed the outcome.

There is only one way Bush could hurt America worse than he already has, and that would be to try to implement his new executive powers to stay in office.

Yes, I know it would signify a complete mental breakdown, but past dictators have overcome that handicap. Just in case, I think we should be prepared with a butterfly net and Impeachment as tools for an Intervention, for his good and for our own.

I am trying to write more about the future and less about the past; I am learning how to make 30 second videos for every conceivable purpose. On both counts, I've got a lot to learn.

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