Sunday, March 09, 2008



on its death bed, in critical condition for many reasons. Activists are
demoralized after George W. Bush cheated his way into office, committed
crimes against humanity, and subverted the constitution without
punishment or even serious risk of political damage. Eight years of evil
doing have taken their toll on activists' willingness to take action. .

The end of movement politics has infected nearly everyone, like a
mysterious illness in a science fiction film. If a movement still
existed, MoveOn would not have made an Obama endorsement via popularity
contest. They never bothered to make demands of him, to ask questions
before giving him their support. Their endorsement is worthless because
it gives Obama cover and asks nothing in return. . .

After eight years of Clintonian triangulation, and another eight years
of Bush lawlessness, the center isn't what is used to be. The center
will accept an occupation of Iraq, as long as there is pretense that it
will end. The center will not undo the Bush attacks on the Constitution.
The center will tell black people that they are "90% of the way" towards
equality. Actually, Obama already declared that "there is no black
America" so the fight for equality will become irrelevant.

Black voters are overwhelmingly pro-Obama. Now supposedly anti-war and
progressive organizations have also thrown in the towel. Race pride,
however misguided in this case, explains Obama's appeal to black
Americans. White progressives have no such excuse. Nevertheless they
have chosen to suspend disbelief and jump on the winning bandwagon.

The stampede to Obama reveals the emptiness of the Democratic left. They
are every bit as cynical as the man they support. They want a seat at
the table. They don't really care what is decided at that table as long
as they are included. Pro-war, anti-war, who cares? Just spell the name
right on the White House invitation and let the triangulation begin.


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