Monday, March 10, 2008




SCIENTIFIC BLOGGING - Are smart people drawn to the arts or does arts
training make people smarter? Or neither?

According to research led by Dr. Michael S. Gazzaniga of the University
of California at Santa Barbara, children motivated in the arts develop
attention skills and strategies for memory retrieval that also apply to
other subject areas. . .

Participating researchers, using brain imaging studies and behavioral
assessment, identified key points relevant to the interests of parents,
students, educators, neuroscientists, and policy makers. According to
the study:

- An interest in a performing art leads to a high state of motivation
that produces the sustained attention necessary to improve performance
and the training of attention that leads to improvement in other domains
of cognition.

- Specific links exist between high levels of music training and the
ability to manipulate information in both working and long-term memory;
these links extend beyond the domain of music training.

- In children, there appear to be specific links between the practice of
music and skills in geometrical representation, though not in other
forms of numerical representation.

- Correlations exist between music training and both reading acquisition
and sequence learning. One of the central predictors of early literacy,
phonological awareness, is correlated with both music training and the
development of a specific brain pathway.

- Training in acting appears to lead to memory improvement through the
learning of general skills for manipulating semantic information.

- Adult self-reported interest in aesthetics is related to a
temperamental factor of openness, which in turn is influenced by
dopamine-related genes.

- Learning to dance by effective observation is closely related to
learning by physical practice, both in the level of achievement and also
the neural substrates that support the organization of complex actions.
Effective observational learning may transfer to other cognitive skills.


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