Wednesday, March 12, 2008

9/11 TRUTH Issues EXPLODE onto CBS National Radio Yesterday !!

March 6, 2008 at 17:24:21

9/11 TRUTH Issues EXPLODE onto CBS National Radio Yesterday !!

by Bill Douglas Page 1 of 4 page(s)

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9/11 Truth (& False Flag Terror) FINALLY on CBS NATIONAL Radio - Jim Bohannan Show !!

STUNNING National CBS Radio Interview

Bohannan is a right wing pro-military radio voice, who's audience has probably NEVER been exposed to 9/11 truth issues. "The Shell Game" author, Steve Alten, came on after an Oil Executive's interview, at about 39:50 in the 1.5 hour show. At about 54:56 it gets REALLY interesting when a caller calls in to discuss 9/11 as a false flag attack. Which unleashes Alten into a deep discussion of 9/11 truth issues.

All hell brakes loose in the next few minutes, as Alten enters the realms of 9/11 truth, explaining to the stunned Bohanan and and his virgin (9/11 truth issue) audience that there is a mass 9/11 truth movement in America that involves engineers, police, private investigators, and many other experts challenging the official 9/11 story.

Alten gives Bohannan some rope at the beginning, before he yanks it to give Bohannan's virgin audience some powerful new issues to chew on. Alten takes on the BIG OIL guest (and big energy's lies) that preceded him on the show, as well as the rational for war in Iraq, BUT spends most of his time TAKING ON THE 9/11 COVER UP, War Games, Evidence Destruction at the WTC, and WTC BUILDING 7's MYSTERIOUS and UNINVESTIGATED COLLAPSE!

When Alten broaches 9/11 truth issues, Bohannan challenges Alten, with the 'you're telling me that you know facts that no one else in America knows about 9/11' line. Alten responds that "There is a massive 9/11 truth movement of highly competent professionals in America, that involves tens of thousands of activists and researchers."

Alten explains that false flag terror events often require that simultaneous war games be held to enable such false flag events to happen, and that is what happened on 9/11. Alten discovered this disturbing information while researching for his new historical fiction book, he explains to Bohannan.

Alten then talks about multiple war games mysteriously held to draw our Air Force fighters away from New York and DC on 9/11, that enabled the strikes of that day. Alten says, "Shocking to me, when I did my research for this book, was that there were 5 separate War Games being conducted in the North Eastern quadrant of our country with NORAD, which sent out jet fighters over parts of Alaska and Iceland and over Canada. Which pulled them out of the North Eastern section of the country.

Bohannan, bristles, and then challenges, Alten, head on, "Are you suggesting United States complicity in the attacks of 9/11?"

Alten, "I'm just stating what happened. You can draw your own conclusions from it."

Bohannan, "Well I, you'd have to draw something a lot more serious than that. I mean it would have to show a, a-a-a series of connections, including of course, knowing that the attack was about to occur. Then you would be getting into, not only the, uh, the spirit of the book, "The Shell Game," but uh, but uh, serious implications." The show goes to break.

Bohannan (coming back from break): "We got interrupted by the break, but before that you were saying something interesting Steve, that there were, uh, war games being held at the time of 9/11, under uh, questionable timing. And here you'll have to go into some of the things you were telling me during the break, because the audience didn't get to hear those, but just tell me what it is that you say you've unearthed here."

Alten, "Well if I can read a quick paragraph from the book [The Shell Game], which will explain it, um . . ."

Bohannan, "Sure"

Alten (quoting from "The Shell Game"), "Did they, the US government intelligence community, know of a coming Al Qaeda attack before 9/11? YES, in fact, there were at least 5 intelligence services across that country that warned us. Did they try to stop them? YES, but they were prevented from doing so."

Bohannan cuts in, exasperated, "On that particular date, we knew there was an attack coming!?"

Alten, "Yes."

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By William E. Douglas, Jr., who is author of "The Amateur Parent – A Book on Life, Death, War & Peace, and Everything Else in the Universe." Bill has been a guest columnist for the Kansas City Star, The Business Journal, and other media worldwide. His past essays include, "Exposing the 9/11 Conspiracy Wingnuts," "The Explosion of the 9-11 Truth Movement -- US Media's Dirty Little Secret," "Good Night, and Good Luck - WMD, NIST, Popular Mechanics, 9/11 and Media Crimes" and also "Why the Jewish Community Should Demand 9/11 Truth."

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