Thursday, March 22, 2007


SAM SMITH - One of the characteristics of government at every level is
how much harder it has become to get basic facts. Washington, DC, for
many years had an annual report called Indices that was jammed with
factual information about what was happening in the city. After the
federal government put the city into a form of colonial receivership and
a purportedly reform administration was named, the book became one of
the first things to disappear.

At the other end are the well documented assaults on public information
by the Bush administration. While there is much variation in between, it
remains true that many aspects of governance are becoming conveniently
complicated and obscured so that no one - including the media - really
know what's going on.

Here's one example: once you could tell what a city was doing in the
housing field by how much public housing there was. Now the number and
complexity of subsidies is enormous and no one really knows what is
happening. As a result it doesn't get reported.

What if you had a generally accepted standard developed my reporters and
public interest groups that defined just what information people
deserved to know about housing? It might include

- Number of public housing units

- Number of subsidized housing units identified by name of subsidy,
average percent of cost subsidized and number of units

- Number of subsidized housing units provided by non-profit groups
identified average percent of cost subsidized, and number of units

- Distribution of subsidized units by ward or other subdivision

- Number of persons on waiting list for subsidized or public housing.

- Average length of wait

- Number of persons in city who can't afford the median rent

- Ten year trend in all of the above.

At first the standards could be put forth by a group like the Society of
Professional Journalists or a consortium of journalism schools or public
interest groups. It could be initially done at the local, state or
national level. It would not be long, I suspect, before you would find
candidates for mayor, governor and even president bragging that they
observe these standards.

There could also be annual ratings of these governments as to how well
they are doing.

One journalist - formerly with Jack Anderson - wrote me:


I think this is an incredible idea. As an old journalist who came up
through the ranks covering City Hall, the County Commission, the School
Board, the police, etc., etc. I am perpetually stunned by the total lack
of information the local newspaper provides these days about where
public funds are going. (and even more stunned at the total passivity of
the readers)

This kind of "open government" reporting used to be routine, and started
to be obfuscated (I believe) in the Reagan years. Now it's gotten so
murky that none of the young journalists even know what real reporting
actually looks like. . .

I think it's really about returning to what the original standard of
openness in a democratic society started out to be and continued to be
for two centuries. It's really only in the last few decades that it's
fallen by the wayside, in my opinion.

I think that your idea of getting urban journalists together to compile
a list of essential facts every city should provide its citizens would
be a fabulous reminder to every community of what the relationship
between the local government and the community is supposed to be.
Such a dialogue would then naturally become an issue in all campaigns.



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