Thursday, October 05, 2006

Tell Your Representative You Want Clean Energy Solutions

Put America on a Path of Clean Energy!

Move A Clean Energy Agenda Forward
The oil industry has access to 95% of Alaska's North Slope. We've seen the way they’ve treated these places, why would we let them ruin America's last few remaining wild places? Tell Your Representative to table dirty and dangerous drilling proposals and move forward with cleaner, smarter energy solutions>>

Read the Petition
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Oil companies make billions of dollars and you and I get holes in the Alaska pipeline, a year long leak in the Gulf of Mexico, and an onshore spill in California.

These are the results of pursuing dirty and dangerous drilling policies.

Urge Your Representative to move America forward with cleaner, and smarter, energy solutions>>

In the last few months we have witnessed extraordinarily egregious behavior on the part of Big Oil, yet industry and their allies in Congress are still pushing for legislation that would open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, protected waters offshore, and the fragile wildlife habitat of Teshekpuk Lake in the Western Arctic.

We've paid the price for Big Oil's pattern of cutting corners, negligence, and hiding leaks and spills for far too long. It's time to break our country's dangerous addiction to oil.

Tell Your Representative that America needs a new agenda for energy>>

With appreciation,

Michael Lawley,
Care2 and ThePetitionSite team

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